Advanced Themer for Bricks

Advanced Themer for Bricks 2.6.3

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thanks to dear member @Zechariah updated Advanced Themer for Bricks with a new update entry:

APR 3, 2024

* IMPROVE: Global Classes extracted and saved from the Advanced CSS Panels are now locked by default
* IMPROVE: Custom CSS and SuperPower CSS controls are now full-height by default when "Hide inactive Style accordion panel" tweak is enabled
* IMPROVE: Added a toggle for enabling/disabling keyboard shortcuts for creating new elements
* IMPROVE: Creating nested elements through the right sidebar could eventually wrongly create siblings
* FIX: "Reduced Left panel visibility" in Strict Editor...

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thanks to dear member @Zechariah updated Advanced Themer for Bricks with a new update entry:

may 14 2024

* NEW: Text-to-Speech
* NEW: Focus Point
* NEW: Hide/Remove Element
* NEW: Merge Global Classes
* IMPROVE: Revamped Variable Picker
* IMPROVE: New "Fullscreen" mode for the Variable Manager of AT
* IMPROVE: Assign new category to multiple items by drag & drop is now supported inside the Class Manager and the Variable Manager.
* IMPROVE: clamp-builder now supports internal tokens to modify the min/max vewport & the unit values globally.
* IMPROVE: New default toggle to enable Keyboard...

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thanks to dear member @netman updated Advanced Themer for Bricks with a new update entry:

MAY 17, 2024

* IMPROVE: New PHP filter to activate the Core Framework integration inside the Variable Picker
* IMPROVE: Resetting/importing/exporting global classes will also include the corresponding Global Class Categories
* FIX: The left content tab could return empty when clicking on the corresponding left shortcut
* FIX: Switching left tabs shortcuts under 100ms could calculate incorrectly the active Status
* FIX: The Form element could produce an empty style tab when switching from another element...

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