GPT AI Power: Complete AI Pack Pro

GPT AI Power: Complete AI Pack Pro 1.8.65

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Author richard
Creation date
- You can filter our certain keywords from RSS feed. More info [here](
- Accessibility improvements in the chat bot.
- Fixed a permission issue in custom mode.
- Fixed an issue where search results were not maintained when navigating through pagination in AI Training.
- Added more pagination options for AI Training - Knowledge Builder.
- Added error reasons for failed tasks in AutoGPT - Queue.


- Display the error message in the AutoGPT queue if the task fails.
- OpenRouter integration.
You can now access all models (Anthropic Claude 3 Sonnet, Opus, OpenAI, Gemini, LLama, Mistral etc) via OpenRouter integration.
- Implemented scheduling for tasks in AutoGPT and Embeddings, removing the need for server-side cron jobs by using custom WP cron schedules.
- Added Safety Settings for Google models.
- Standardized model list and pricing across all modules.

Please check out the details [here](

View our roadmap and submit your feature requests [here](

- Introduced the ability to specify different embedding models for different chatbots. This final step before implementing OpenRouter allows you to select different AI engines with different embedding models, thus combining two different providers in one go.
- Added a new embedding model for Google: embedding-text-004.
- Added new Google models to chatbots and AI forms, such as Gemini 1.5 Pro Latest. Make sure to hit the sync button when using Google as a provider.
- Added dimension display in AI training. You can now specify dimensions when creating a Qdrant collection via the plugin interface. Make sure to sync your collections.
- Added an option to enable or disable past conversations in the chatbox. You can disable it from ChatGPT - Settings tab. Dont forget to clear your cache.
- Displayed vector and points count for Qdrant. Make sure to sync your collections.
- Added delete button for AI forms and image generator logs.


- Larger text fields for AI Assistant prompts.
- Proper handling for markdown format in chat response.
- Improved semantic search functionality.
- Removed deprecated syntax for embedding variables within strings in image generator logs.
- Added numeric validation for logs in the content writer.
- Removed console logs from the code.


- Restricted scrollbar styling to only affect the bot interface.
- Fixed an issue with the widget where it stopped functioning after being cleared.
- Fixed an issue in the AI Assistant where the loading spinner continued running after receiving responses in Gutenberg.
- Fixed an issue where it was not possible to delete conversation starters in custom chatbots.
- Fixed a permission issue in AutoGPT.
- Fixed an issue in AI forms where a quota limit notification was not displaying.
- Fixed an issue in AI forms where special characters in the notification message caused display problems.
- Fixed an issue in embedding where accessing a non-existent post ID could produce error.
- Fixed an issue in custom chatbots where tokens did not reset after a certain interval.

View our roadmap and submit your feature requests [here](
- Automatic loading of previous chat conversations when the page is reloaded. (Note: Remember to clear both your site and browser caches.)
- Smooth scrolling functionality in the chatbot.
- Smooth transitions for conversation starters.
- Fixed top bar layout within the chatbot interface.
- Improved white-labeling options for licensing.
- PHP 8.* enhancements.
- Optimized garbage collection processes.
- Added ready-to-use "Themes" for chat bots.
- Improved styling options for chat bots.
- Fixed layout and CSS issues in chat bots.
- Fixed an issue where conversation starters were not being saved in custom bots.
- Refined overall design for creating custom chat bot.
- Improved the functionality of the Reset button in chat bots.
- More styling improvements.
- Fixed chat widhet border issue.

- Introducing Conversation Starters! Imrpove user engagement with custom Conversation Starters for your chatbot.

Read the documentation [here](
- Made content writer logs scrollable.
- Fixed the modal window for fine-tune events.
- Applied new CSS to AutoGPT Settings.
- Removed restrictions for Embedding models. This means you can now create a vector db with 1536 or 3072 dimension.
- Fixed CSS for image buttons in Content Writer.
- Added a text to show the last run for cron jobs.
- Fixed the post author, category issue in copy-paste.
- Improved the style of copy-paste functionality.
- Updated the CSV style.
- Fixed the status table in the Embeddings module.
- Adjusted the size of the textarea in the custom mode prompt.
- Fixed an issue in troublshoot tool.
- Fixed the issue with the schedule field date selector in Bulk Editor.
- Add a dropdown selection for adding more records in Bulk Editor.
- New UI for AutoGPT module.
- New UI for Content Writer module.
- Fixed an issue in ChatBot's Moderation module.