Kreatura Slider Plugin for WordPress

Kreatura Slider Plugin for WordPress 7.11.1 Nulled

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This release contains important security fixes. Updating is strongly recommended to everyone.

  • Updated French localization. [Thanks to Patrick Perrono]
  • Hover Transition's default easing has been changed from easeInOutQuint to easeOutQuart. Existing projects remain unaffected.
  • Fixed various layout and behavior issues that affected popups.
  • Fixed layer positioning issues with certain percentage values.
This version of LayerSlider showcases an all-new add-on manager, unveiling the arrival of its latest addition: the 404 add-on. Don’t let those dull 404 “Not Found” error messages be a dead-end for your visitors. LayerSlider’s 404 add-on empowers you to transform those boring and frustrating error pages into captivating experiences.

Other changes:

Revisions can now be disabled, and it also offers the option to delete saved snapshots.
Fixed a rare font-weight problem affecting Google Fonts.
Fixed Smart Operations where property values were zero.
UI and under-the-hood fixes and improvements.
This update includes important security fixes.
IMPORTANT: This release changes the default text selection behavior for new projects. Learn More

  • Added Project Settings → Miscellaneous → Prevent Selection option to restrict the selection of text and other interface elements within your projects.
  • Added Layer Styles → Advanced Settings → Selection option to control selection behavior on individual layers as necessary.
  • Added indicators to several UI elements, showing the number of layer actions, attributes, links, etc., at a glance.
  • Added undo/redo and multiple layer selection support for layer actions.
  • Overflow now offers the value “Auto”, which can make layers’ content scrollable.
  • The default mouse cursor setting has been changed to “Layer-specific”, which should better follow the designer’s intent out of the box.
  • Fixed issues with pasting layer style and transition properties.
  • Fixed several issues animating the width and height transition properties of Opening and Ending Transitions.
  • User interface revamps, performance improvements, and several changes under the hood.
The Project Settings → Layout → Max-width option now supports the vw (percentage of viewport width) unit.
Project Settings → Appearance now has a new Apply Background To option.
The "Open Popup" layer action now uses project slugs (if any) to work when projects are moved across sites.
Fixed a rare rendering issue when opening popups.
Fixed animating Hover Transition’s offset transformations.
Under-the-hood improvements and bug fixes.
  • Added a new option to close popups when pressing the Escape key on the keyboard.
  • Added a new advanced option to make popups scrollable instead of staying fixed on the screen.
  • Added a new Scroll Position option to relevant layer actions to offer precise control over vertical placement.
  • Under-the-hood improvements and bug fixes.
  • Added Mask option to the STYLE menu of layers.
  • Added more cutout examples for the Mask options.
  • Increased compatibility with 3rd party plugins.
  • Fixed modifying Wave shapes.
  • Fixed a rare layout issue when reopening the same popup multiple times with different starting slides.
  • Other improvements and bug fixes under the hood.
Added Project Settings → Miscellaneous → Disable Context Menu option to prevent right-clicking on the slider and its elements like images.
The WPML integration now registers strings in the selected language that you can change from the top menu bar before entering the project editor. This change is especially useful when English is not the source/default language.
Fixed Safari rendering issues affecting the Origami slide transitions.
Other fixes under the hood.
This release contains important security fixes, and updating is strongly recommended to everyone.

Scroll Transition can now be used in Popups.
Improvements in copying and pasting layer settings.
Third parties can no longer override the appearance of layers with text transitions.
Fixed handling unlisted Vimeo videos.
Fixed occasional YouTube background video playback issues.
Fixed displaying project rounded corners in the editor.
Fixed minor issues and increased compatibility with projects built using older versions of LayerSlider.