
Tag video are a total of 4 Tags,Currently on page 1, in NullPro Website
What you'll learn: Become an advanced, confident, and modern JavaScript developer from scratch Build 6 beautiful real-world projects for your portfolio (not boring toy apps) Become job-ready by understanding how JavaScript really works behind the scenes How to think and work like a developer...
It allows the admin to add videos to the product page and can even manage the design and options for the video player. Can upload mp4 and WebM videos on the product page. Set a preview image for the video. Can set video player appearance (Primary color & Player options). Can enable auto-play...
With Media Player module you can play videos from YouTube, Vimeo, locally or photos. General settings. Player Layout - Fit to container / Fit to Browser (full screen) / Fixed size Fixed Size Width Fixed Size Height Video Ratio Poster image Media Player Theme - Light / Dark Item settings...
Allows adding a URL with either the MP4 or WEBM extension and upon saving the post will automatically add a video tag and embed a video player. (Example of video URL pasted into editor) (Example of post after saving, video player is automatically embedded) Features: Uses HTML <video> tag...