Currency cryptocurrency market

crypto market work in 4yrs cycles along with the BTC halvening NOW is time to be DCA into good solid projects for the long term
DONT get caught up in the hype of useless sh*t coins
HODL solid projects some ive got in my bags at present are
$WOOL ..... the WOLF.GAME ecosystem guv token wolf game is an NFT play 2 earn with novel tokenomics and game theory like nfts can steal other nfts also you cant play the game without wool
$MNW ...... Morpheus network token its a supply chain token with lots of big partners like google, FedEx, and lots more still only 20mil MCAP
$VRSC ...... built from the ground up by Ex Microsoft dot net founder, 51% attack proof, Fair launch no premine and no VC#s
Well for now will be like this. In winter will be not better either. According of the big gurus of the investments they say the crypto world is like Wallstreet. One time is down and one time up. In this case down and it can be going down to 12k dollars the bitcoin however it can jump significantly very fast as it did many times in the history since 2008. If the bitcoin is going up then other cryptos too eventually. Altcoins it sounds like they can't be more better than bitcoin but instead following the footstep as a kid following the father's footstep.
My guess is we are not out of this bear mid 2023 at earliest. It should start ramping up as we get closer to the next Bitcoin halving in April 2024.
It's about to take a big dip like it does every year from Jan-March. I normally buy in May but that's just me.
Did quite the opposite so far, which I think is good!

Financial markets overall this year have been whiplash (anyone else?). Would love to hear updated expectations for crypto this year. Bull or bear summer?
Hi all,
I`m still thinking the market will crush... but this is just my opinion..
And after the crush will go OTH again... will fluctuate, is hard to destroy crypto now...