Wpforms Pro

thanks to dear member @netman updated Wpforms Pro with a new update entry:


### Changed
- The Uncanny Automator logo is updated.

### Fixed
- Debug information (controlled by a constant) is now properly escaped before being displayed on a page.
- Turnstile Captcha verification message overlapped the captcha when the captcha type was changed from Invisible to Managed.
- Fatal error with AMP plugin.

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thanks to dear member @netman updated Wpforms Pro with a new update entry:


  • Added: Payment fields are now available for everyone.
  • Added: Users can connect their Stripe accounts and receive payments via their payment forms.
  • Added: It's now possible to print entries in bulk.
  • Added: Non-admin users are now notified about uninstalled or not activated addons when certain form templates are selected.
  • Added: New filters are added so it's possible to dynamically modify form data before export.
  • Added: There are new thumbnails displayed in all places...

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thanks to dear member @richard updated Wpforms Pro with a new update entry:


### Changed
- On the Form Entries page the "Status" column is renamed to "Type" to better reflect the actual value displayed there.

### Fixed
- On the Form Entries page the "N/A" entry status was displayed instead of the expected value "Completed".
- On the Payments page for Stripe payments "N/A" was displayed as a payment title instead of the mapped email.
- There were situations when PHP notices were generated on the Stripe Single Payment page.
- Compatibility with the "AIOSEO - Local...

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thanks to dear member @hargrave updated Wpforms Pro with a new update entry:


### Added
- WPForms is now compatible with the WPForms Coupons addon.
- Developers can now use a new hook that is fired when the form is duplicated.

### Fixed
- Stripe Integration: JavaScript error occurred when the user was asked to enter verification information for a payment form locked with the Form Locker addon.
- A PHP deprecation notice was generated when enabling or disabling auto-updates of any plugin.
- Form challenge items were not aligned correctly in various languages.
- In...

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thanks to dear member @Zechariah updated Wpforms Pro with a new update entry:


### Changed
- Admin notice content and design is improved.
- The library used for the modern phone field is updated to 18.1.4.
- We optimized the Help screen performance within the Form Builder.

### Fixed
- The query string rewrite module from the 7G Firewall plugin was conflicting with the WPForms block in the Block Editor.
- When the Stripe Links details were not filled, it was still possible to go to the Next page inside the multipage form.
- Payment fields were not inheriting a newly...

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thanks to dear member @Zechariah updated Wpforms Pro with a new update entry:


### Added
- New `{site_name}` smart tag.
- Spam entries are now stored in the database and can be reviewed on the Entries page.
- Fields in the Form Builder can now be searched by name or related keywords.
- New settings that allow users to toggle different fields on the single entry view page.

### Changed
- Adjusted error message for Stripe subscription payment failure.
- Elementor integration updated and improved.
- Improved cache busting of entry counts on the Dashboard widget.
- The...

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thanks to dear member @netman updated Wpforms Pro with a new update entry:


### Fixed
- A fatal error was thrown when using the WP-CLI command with the --context=admin parameter.
- Stripe assets were loaded on every page when the Elementor plugin was activated.
- Resized images in Image Choices were displayed in their original sizes inside Notifications.

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Member sebastianhrr was joined discussion #31 via attach

  • Captura de Pantalla 2023-11-03 a la(s) 5.28.24 p. m..png
    Captura de Pantalla 2023-11-03 a la(s) 5.28.24 p. m..png
    39.1 KB · Views: 0
thanks to dear member @hargrave updated Wpforms Pro with a new update entry:


- New column selector and column reordering on the Forms Overview and Form Entries page.
- New right-click context menu in the Form Builder.
- Forms can now be imported programmatically.
- New Empty Trash button for table navigation on the Entries Trash view screen.
- New filter `wpforms_pro_admin_entries_export_skip_not_selected_choices` to skip not selected choices in the entries export.
- Payment Checkboxes fields can now be exported as separate columns.
- New minimum price option...

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thanks to dear member @netman updated Wpforms Pro with a new update entry:


- Product Quantity can now be configured for Single Item and Dropdown Items payment fields!
- A new Gutenberg option for selecting Page Break color.
- The Announcements block in the Community page.
- New way to expand the Form Templates subcategories in the templates list sidebar.
- Support for locations of Form Pages and Conversational Forms.
- New splash screen outlining notable features and changes in the release.
- The user can see an overview of what they are purchasing by...

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thanks to dear member @chavez updated Wpforms Pro with a new update entry:


- Forms can now be saved as user templates for future use.
- New `Price Display` option was added for Single Item payment field.
- Shipping and Billing addresses can now be configured on the Form Builder > Payments > Stripe screen.
- New filter `wpforms_integrations_stripe_api_common_create_plan_name` to filter Stripe subscription plan name.
- New filter `wpforms_integrations_lite_connect_api_request_timeout` to filter Lite Connect request timeout.
- New filter...

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