Blocksy Companion (Premium) / Blocksy PRO

Blocksy Companion (Premium) / Blocksy PRO 2.0.51 Nulled

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- Improvement: Correctly load JS translations for the Blocksy Companion
- Improvement: Sanitize all SVG images upon upload into media gallery
- Improvement: General fixes and improvements
- Improvement: Account header element profile photo support YITH Customize My Account plugin
- Improvement: Starter sites installation process improvements
- Improvement: General fixes and improvements
- Improvement: Introduce a WP CLI command for installing a starter site in one step
- Improvement: Make sure Product Reviews extension post contents is searchable
- Improvement: Correctly generate translation files
- Improvement: Add filter functionality to starter sites
- Fix: Newsletter block and single subscribe form can't get the custom list ID
- Fix: `blocksy_posts` shortcode with slider doesn't wrap images inside links
- Improvement: General fixes and improvements