SalePro - Inventory Management System with POS, HRM, Accounting

Nulled SalePro - Inventory Management System with POS, HRM, Accounting 4.7.1 Nulled

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Author newimage
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Fixed: Add payment on purchase list - bug fixed.
Added: SMS template with dynamic feature added.
Added: Tonkra SMS API added.
Added: SMS after sale feature added.
Added: SMS after eCommerce sale feature added.
Added: Email notification after stock transfer
Added: Wholesale price for product added. Price option added in the POS and Add sale page
Added: Indian GST for A4 invoice added
Fixed: Minor bug fixed.
1. Added: Create brand from the add product page with ajax request
2. Added: Create category from the add product page with ajax request
3. Added: Create tax from the add product page with ajax request
4. Added: Warehouse Wise option added for Staff Access in general setting. If the user select this option Staff can see all the transactions for that specific warehouse.
5. Added: Payment receiver field added for the payment.
6. Fixed: Minor bugs fixed.
Fixed: Minor bugs fixed
Update: eCommerce related updates added
added: average unit cost added in the adjustment
added: language translation functionality from admin panel added
added: 'Sale Type' filter added to sale list for ecommerce & POS sales
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Reactions: mehdipis
Added: Custom error pages added.
Updated: Addon installation process updated.
Added: Application is compatible with the ecommerce addon
Added: Duplicate purchase added.
Fixed: Minor bugs fixed
Updated: Profit/loss calculation updated. Shipping cost and returned qty will not be considered.
Updated: Profit/loss calculation in Dashboard updated.
Updated: Sale Return section updated.
Updated: Password Reset section updated
Updated: Invoice section updated.
Fixed: Minor bugs are fixed
Added: custom field added for product and purchase.
Added: custom fields come product wise in invoice if added.
Added: Custom fields edit options added for sale, purchase, customer and product
Fixed: Category creating issue fixed.
Fixed: Automatic update issue fixed.
Added: Sale and quotation without stock feature added.
Added: Biometrics attendance feature added.
Updated: Application converted to PHP 8.1
Updated: Attendance section updated