WP-Lister Pro for Amazon

WP-Lister Pro for Amazon 2.6.15

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WP-Lister for Amazon integrates your WooCommerce product catalog with your inventory on Amazon.
Short Description
FREE Download Premium and Nulled WP-Lister Pro for Amazon 2.6.15 version from NullPro Community. It is zip Extention type and 14.1 MB File size. From WP-Lister Pro for Amazon have 28 discussion, 27 Updates, 569 Views.

List products from WordPress on Amazon​

You want to sell your products on Amazon and your website? You’ve come to the right place. WP-Lister for Amazon integrates your WooCommerce product catalog with your inventory on Amazon.

You will save an enormous amount of time (and money) by not having to enter all your product details twice. But more importantly, WP-Lister Pro for Amazon will take care of keeping your inventory in sync by automatically reducing the stock quantity in WooCommerce when an item is sold on Amazon – and vice versa.

There are multiple ways to use WP-Lister for Amazon – depending on whether your products already exist on Amazon:

  • Import your existing products from Amazon to WooCommerce
  • Match and link WooCommerce products to existing products on Amazon
  • Create new products on Amazon from your products in WooCommerce
Go ahead and download the free version from wordpress.org or buy WP-Lister Pro for Amazon right away. The free version does not sync sales across platforms and it does not feature the automatic repricing tool.

If you’re selling on eBay as well and have WP-Lister Pro for eBay installed, both plugins will work hand in hand to sync your sales across all three platforms. You can even fulfill WooCommerce and eBay orders via Amazon if you’re using FBA.


  • Create new product pages on Amazon using product details from WooCommerce
  • Match WooCommerce products to Amazon products by Title, SKU or custom attributes
  • Import product title, images and attributes from Amazon
  • Reduce stock quantity in WooCommerce when an item is sold on Amazon
  • Update inventory on Amazon when a product is sold or changed in WooCommerce
  • Create variations from Amazon as variable products in WooCommerce
  • Create orders in WooCommerce from sales on Amazon
  • Map WooCommerce product attributes to Amazon feed columns
  • Fetch and display listing quality alerts
  • Update lowest price information automatically
  • Repricing Tool: adjust your price depending on the lowest price on Amazon
  • FBA Support: fulfill non-Amazon orders via FBA
Extention type
File size
14.1 MB
First release
Last update
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings
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Latest updates

2.6.15 - 2024-05-23
* Fix: Deprecated code warnings * Fix: Update pending feeds to add affected products after a WC...
2.6.14 - 2024-05-01
* New: Added support for the GET_ORDER_REPORT_DATA_SHIPPING report * Fix: Warning trying to...
2.6.12 - 2024-03-22
* Fix: SQL error in the Edit Product page * Fix: Warning when checking if an order is...
2.6.11 - 2024-02-28
* New: Added support for the Order Attribution Tracking in WooCommerce * Fix: Missing flags of...
2.6.9 - 2024-01-25
* Fix: Escape input data from URL * Fix: Allow the installation of Feed Templates for the newly...

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