4SEO - joomla seo plugin

4SEO - joomla seo plugin

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Author jessy
Creation date
- Added caption to per page title and meta description fields, to clarify their use
- Added option to configure the desired approximate length of auto-generated meta description
- Added option to list only non-canonical pages, in addition to existing 'Only canonical' option
- (Tiny) performance increase by using better MYSQL count function
- Added tmpl=form to the list of automatically excluded URLs
- Do not convert single quotes when output in title, meta description and OpenGraph and Twitter Cards meta
- Aliases are not properly executed on multilingual sites, except on default language
- Possible deprecation warning when outputting TwitterCards tags if Twitter account is not filled in
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- Added feature and alert to optionally block IA robots such as those from ChatGPT to crawl the website
- Added ability to create aliases: another type of redirect which is easier to create, faster to execute but limited in trigger conditions and target URLs
- Added option to override Joomla full page cache plugin when applying redirects rules
- Added full translation to Arabic, Finnish, Greek, Hungarian, Norwegian, Romanian, Swedish and Chinese
- When conservative or progressive caching is enabled in Joomla global configuration, 4SEO can now detect and use for social networks sharing the 'Intro' and 'Full' com_content articles images, as soon as the page is analyzed. Before, it would fall back to using the largest image on the page.
- Removed calls for translators from admin app footer
- Added workaround for Joomla 4 issue adding layout=blog to pages, may result in incorrect canonical link
- Now escaping title and meta description before output else invalid characters may break the page output
- Now including site host hash and current version in subscribers update authorization request
- Now using official schema.org notation for dayOfWeek instead of community shortcuts
- Workaround for Joomla 4 turning spaces in images file names into %20 for local images when used as article images, breaking local image size detection
- On frontend editing, IndexNow panel spills over footer
-There should not be a custom field selector input field on the Default person tab of structured data settings
bug Some redirects are not executed after adding view selection rules parameters in last release
  • Added Czech translation
  • Added Portuguese translation
  • Added support for Error pages to apply to Joomla unauthorized access messages
  • Clarified message shown when no import from sh404SEF can take place
  • When replacing a text with a link, existing links were only partially protected against the replacement, sometimes resulting in broken HTML
  • Icon linking to home page on Pages list goes to /null instead of /
  • Redirecting to lowercase may cause some URLs to be excluded from the pages list and sitemap on sites using non-latin characters in their URLs
  • Number of execution of structured data rules is not recorded

4SEO changelog​

newAdded submission to IndexNow from the frontend
newAdded submission to IndexNow from Pages page in 4SEO admin
chgAdded global API accessor for hook system, allowing listening easily to extension events
chgAlso update recorded pages URLs of duplicates when a URL is customized in 4SEF
chgAdded tooltip on all rules title input fields mentioning title is the only searchable field and should be meaningful
chgRefresh date/time when checking tasks to run, instead of using the initial request time
chgNow showing a warning if the URL used to access the admin is not the same as the one configured for the website home address
- chg Hikashop: do not default to using the website publisher if a brand is not specified for a product
- chg More thorough clean-up of Hikashop own generated microdata on product pages
- chg Removed sitemap partial file reading progress
- chg Now forcing application/json content type on all POST/PUT/PATCH/DELETE fetch requests, should reduce mod_security incorrectly blocking requests
- chg Automatic redirect from mixed-case URLs to lower case URLs is now disabled by default.
- bug Do not try to log execution of built-in rules (firewall or others), this fills up the log files with useless error data
- bug Hikashop structured data records always use default currency instead of actual
- bug Automatic redirect to lowercased URLs does not work on multilingual sites if it is only the language code that has the wrong case
- bug Automatic redirect to lowercased URLs only works in J4 is a 4SEO custom error page is enabled
- bug Search Console integration Connect button is disabled and error message displayed if access key has dashes (-) in it.
- bug On multilingual sites, OpenGraph OG:locale value is incorrect, uses default language
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chg Better CSS at low width for Joomla 4
chg Accept HTML in Google updates detailed description


new New Danish translation by Ronny Buelund
chg Workaround Joomla not being able to add a canonical and an hreflang for the same URL, can cause hreflang to disappear
chg Better protection for the content replacer when JCH Optimize is in use and compresses the page content. Some odd behaviors found on some websites.
chg Prevent app not starting in admin if CURL PHP extension is not available
chg Now requiring PHP 7.2.5 or higher
bug Possible warning Duplicate key type_ordering on first-time installs (with no adverse effect except the message)
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chg Typos in French translation (thanks GFCom)
bug Error page title may have ' symbol instead of apostrophe displayed under some circumstances
bug Possible Duplicate entry error message displayed after installing previous version (without negative consequences)
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- chg: Added a filter to pass additional options to the HTTP client used when communicating with Google Search Console. May help for websites which servers are blocked by Google.
- chg: Inject site name in home page structured data and OpenGraph records. Site name is now used more often by Google in search results, this will help Google get the name right.
- chg: On sites which started using 4SEO early on, the fake Facebook application id automatically added to OpenGraph may be missing. Not having an app_id is normal but the Facebook debugger has a bug (!) and it shows the lack of app_id as an error - which it is not.
- bug: Images with encoded spaces in their path (%20) are properly processed but incorrectly added to sitemap, resulting in a broken link
- bug: Images with very long URLs may be truncated when inserted in the sitemap
- bug: style and script tags are not removed from content when automatically building a meta description
- bug: Leading zeros must be preserved in postal codes when generating Structured data
- chg: Added handling of more extensions that use the same item on multiple languages (JomShopping)
- bug: In redirects, the Append back query string option only works as expected for rules with wildcard characters
- bug: Built-in rules to block some spammer robots access are not applied if they have a question mark in the URL specification
- bug: Missing text for HTTPS required to connect to Search Console, only error code is displayed
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