Bricksforge - The Bricks Tools That Feel Native

Bricksforge - The Bricks Tools That Feel Native 2.2.3

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Author pansy
Creation date
[Scroll Smoother] Added automatic anchor scrolling for Lenis
For anchor links, Lenis will now automatically scroll to the related section.
[Pro Forms] "Inputmode" added for "Tel" field
[Backend Designer] New controls "Admin Bar Hover Background" and "Admin Bar Hover Text Color" added
[Pro Forms] The value in the calculation may exceed two decimal places in certain situations
[Pro Forms] Modern Select not scrollable when using Lenis
[Pro Forms] Date Picker ugly in Mobile Safari
[Pro Forms] Arrays are not parsing correctly in webhooks
With the syntax [1,2,3], now the value will be parsed correctly as array.
[Pro Forms] Checkbox/Radio Wrapper Next Step Validation Fix
Fixed an issue caused the "Next Step" validation not to work properly if nested with blocks or divs.
[Pro Forms] Slider Change Event not triggering calculations on blur
[Pro Forms] Input Icon is overlapping Modern Select Dropdown
[Pro Forms] Signature not working when manually jumping to an individual step
[Pro Forms] "Delete permanently" toggle not working correctly when using with CPT posts
[Form Submissions] CSV export ugly when there are commas in the field labels

[Pro Forms] Included :label filter for Select fields​

Now, also select fields are supporting the new :label filter.


[Pro Forms] Input Masking ignoring slashes​

Fixed a bug caused the form field input masking to ignore slashes.


[Pro Forms] "undefined" is no valid JSON Error​


[Page Transitions] CSS Transitions stopped to work

[Pro Forms] Style missing for forms loaded via ajax

[Scroll Smoother] Lenis scrolling not smooth

CSS related side effects caused by version 2.2.0
[Terminal] New Syntax to define settings for elements.
With the new syntax > element{key: value} you can add every possible setting stored in the Bricks "settings" object to an element.
[Pro Forms] Repeater Fields out of beta
Repeater Fields are now stable to use in live environments.
[Pro Forms] New Element: Signature
With this new element you can add flexible signature possibilities to your form.
[Pro Forms] New Element: Download Info
This element can be used to show an Info Box after a successful submission, for example using the new "Create PDF" action.
[Pro Forms] New Action: Create PDF
With this new action you can dynamically create PDF files using form field values and dynamic data.
[Pro Forms] New Action: Show Download Info
With this new action you can display a download info box after a successful submission.
[Pro Forms] New Dynamic Email Recipients
Now, you can define email recipients dynamically based on conditions.
[Pro Forms] "Cookie Check Failed" or "Invalid Nonce" Error when submitting form
To prevent this error (caused by using caching plugins), Bricksforge is now regenerating a nonce via ajax on form submit.
[Pro Forms] JSON Input to populate Select, Checkbox and Radio Fields
Now, you can populate Select, Checkbox and Radio fields using a JSON snippet.
[Pro Forms] New Filter "bricksforge/pro_forms/validate"
This new filter can be used to manually validate a form before submit. Params: $validation_result, $form_data, $post_id, $form_id
[Pro Forms] New Variable {{all_fields}}
With this new variable you can output Key: Value pairs of all form fields.
[Pro Forms] Repeater now supports JetEngine and ACPT
Now, you can sync JetEngine and ACPT Repeaters with Bricksforge Repeaters.
[Pro Forms] Date Field: Added Control "Allow Input"
This new control allows the user to manually add a date into the date field. Also, this ensures that browser validation works properly.
[Pro Forms] Repeater Support for Slider Field
The Repeater now supports the Slider Form Field
[Dynamic Data Tags] New Tag {brf_form_live_value}
This new tag carries the functionality of the "Live Value" element in Pro Forms. You can use it to embed content that live reflects the value of a form field.
[Bricksforge Panel] Added "Maximize" functionality for Code Modal
[Bricksforge Panel] New Setting "As Array" for Timelines
This setting is to animate multiple elements sharing the same class. Each element is triggered and animated individually. This is particularly useful for creating complex animations where each element within the same class needs to be addressed separately. This is similar to 'Handle Triggers separately, but allows more flexibility.'
[Email Designer] New WooCommerce Variables
Added the following new WooCommerce Variables: wc_shipping_cost, wc_shipping_tax, wc_shipping_cost_formatted, wc_order_refunded_amount, wc_order_refunded_amount_formatted
[Email Designer] New Condition for Template "Partially Refunded Order"
Now, you can build a dedicated email design for partially refunded WooCommerce orders.
[Backend Designer] Added Admin Bar Color Settings
New color settings for the admin bar have been added under "Navigation"
[Customizer] New settings to hide the Panel and Terminal for User Roles
With the new settings "Hide Bricksforge Panel" and "Hide Bricksforge Terminal" you can now hide those areas in the builder for specific user roles.
[Pro Forms] Validation now supports form field variables
Server side form field validation now supports form field variables like {{field-variable}}
[Pro Forms] Action data for "bricksforge/pro_forms/submission_created" now contains id
The submission data now includes the submission ID. This may be useful to create relationships
[Bricksforge Panel] Renamed Ease "default" value
Renamed the default ease value from "default" to "linear (default)"
[Page Transitions] Offcanvas not working
Fixed a bug caused OffCanvas not to behave properly when using pjax page transitions.
[Pro Forms] Custom validation not working with Checkboxes
Fixed a bug caused the "Required" validation from the "Validation" group to not working with checkboxes.
[Pro Forms] Calculation not working when using checkboxes and radios
Fixed a bug caused the calculation not to work in some situations when calculating with checkbox and radio values.
[Pro Forms] Select Element Value not accepting Dynamic Data
Fixed a bug caused the Select "Value" control to not accept dynamic data when trying to set an initial value for "Option" children.
[Pro Forms] Calculation not working with "Modern Style" select fields
Fixed a bug caused the calculation not to work in some situations when using "Modern Style" select fields
[Pro Forms] Calculation issues with "0" values
In some situations, the calculation field did not update its value if the result of the calculation was 0.
[Pro Forms] Validation is showing error for non visible fields
Fixed a bug caused the form to show a required validation alert even if the field was not visible because of not matching field conditions.
[Pro Forms Steps] Clicking to a specific step not considers conditional logic
Fixed a bug caused the pro forms steps to not consider conditional logic in some situations
[Pro Forms] WC Add To Cart Action shows validation error
Fixed a bug caused the WC Add To Cart action to show a validation error even when the product is successfully added to the cart.
[Pro Forms] Box Shadow includes Modern Select Children
Fixed a bug caused the box shadow to include also children of the modern select field.
[Pro Forms] Conditional Field Logic confusing with multiple checkboxes / radios
Fixed a bug caused the conditional logic to not work properly in some situations when using checkboxes/radios
[Bricksforge Panel] "Same Element" as Target Element is causing JS error
Fixed a bug caused "Same Element" choosed as target to produce as JS error.
[Bricksforge Panel] {dynamic} tag does not render echo:
Fixed a bug caused the {dynamic} tag to not render echo: values properly
[Email Designer] getItemPrice returning price range for variable products
Fixed a bug caused the getItemPrice variable to return a price range instead of the correct variation price when using variable products.
[Email Designer] {{new_user_email}} is empty in WC installations
For sites with WooCommerce, {{new_user_email}} was empty when using it together with the condition "Confirmed Email Change"

[BETA] Pro Forms: Repeater Fields​

You can now add repeatable fields with Pro Forms using the new "Repeater" Nestable element. In the first step, this function will be integrated as a beta until we have received enough feedback.


New Element: Tour Guide​

With this new element, you can create interactive tours for your visitors!


Pro Forms: Masked Inputs​

With this new feature you can include masked inputs to your form.


Pro Forms: Calculation Field refactored​

The Calculation field has been completely refactored and gives you a lot of more functionality now. Also, it's much faster than before.


Bricksforge Panel: New Template Variable "formField"​

With this new variable you can quickly use the value of specific form fields by passing the field name. Example: {formField:firstname}


Bricksforge Panel: New Template Variable "formData"​

With this new variable you can quickly use the payload data of a form. It will be returned as object. Example: {formData:formId}


Bricksmotion Connection​

From now, you can use Bricksmotion Templates inside the Bricksforge Panel.


Pro Forms: "Source" Control for Update Post Meta Action​

A new control "Source" has been added for the Update Post Meta action. If using multiple services like ACF and Metabox together, you can specify which source should be updated.


Email Designer: Reset Password URL – WooCommerce Endpoint not considered​

Fixed a bug caused the endpoint for WooCommerce not to be considered for the {{reset_password_url}} variable


Email Designer: {{wc_order_date}} not considers localization​

Fixed a bug caused the wc_order_date variable to not consider the locale of the site in some situations.


Email Designer: WooCommerce is writing error in logs​

Fixed a bug caused WooCommerce to write an error in the WC Logs, even if the email sending was successful.


Form Submissions: Conditional Wrapper Childs not storing in database​

Fixed a bug caused the conditional wrapper styles of a pro form to not to be saved in the database in some situations.


Pro Forms: Dynamic Data not working in Placeholders​

Fixed a bug caused dynamic data like echo: not to work in field placeholders.


style.css loaded also if no functionality is activated​

Fixed an issue caused the style.css loaded even if no elements or extensions are activated.


Admin Pages​

Fixed a bug caused Admin Pages to not appear for some roles added by third party plugins.


Page Transitions: Mobile Menu not closing​

Fixed an issue caused the mobile menu not to close when navigating to another page.
Pro Forms: Added Required Asterisk Typography Control
Added a new control to style the required asterisk typography.
Pro Forms Panel empty
Fixed a bug caused the Pro Forms Panel to be empty in some situations.
Bricksforge Panel: Animation UI disappears
Fixed a bug caused the Animation UI for single animation selectors to disappear in some situations
Fixed different bugs
Some bugs that were fixed in 2.1.4 have reappeared in 2.1.5 due to a compilation error. This has been fixed.

Bricksforge Panel: Bricks Dynamic Data Support​

The entire Bricksforge Panel now supports Bricks Dynamic Data. Use the following syntax: {dynamic:your_tag}, for example: {dynamic:post_id}


Email Designer: New Filter bricksforge/email_designer/allowed_vars​

With this new filter, you can add your custom Twig Variables.


Pro Forms: New control "Jump to Top"​

When activated, the form will automatically jump to the top of the form when changing the step. This only works for multistep forms.


Pro Forms: New control "Autofocus first step"​

When activated, the first input of the next step will be focussed after changing the step.


Bricksforge Panel: Click Trigger is now waiting for triggers with link​

If a click trigger selector has a link, Bricksforge will first run the animation, then navigate to the link.


Bricksforge Panel: Single Animation disappears​

Fixed a bug caused an animations to disappear when including not valid selectors like "." or "#".


Bricksforge Panel: Visual Timeline Height to small​

Fixed a bug caused the visual timeline height to be too small. (Scrolling needed in that case)


Email Designer: YITH WooCommerce Gift Cards Compatibility Fix​

Added a compatibility fix for the plugin "YITH WooCommerce Gift Cards"


Pro Forms: Step Animations​

With this version, you can add simple animations when navigating trough form steps.


Pro Forms: "Required Count" for Checkbox Wrapper​

This new control has been added for the Checkbox Wrapper. It makes it possible to define a required number of selected checkboxes.


Pro Forms: Dynamic Data support for Validation Rules​

The Validation Rules area now supports Dynamic Data.


Pro Forms: Mailchimp Action – No email address provided error​

Fixed an issue caused the Mailchimp action to show an error even if an email address has been provided.


Admin Pages: Menu not appearing​

Fixed an issue caused the menu or submenu not to appear for certain assigned user roles.


Email Designer: Invalid Password Reset Link​

Fixed an issue caused password reset link to be invalid in some situations.


Form Submission: Submissions not showing​

Fixed an issue caused the form submission not to show in the backend when using formal site languages


Form Submissions: Date is now using locale date format​

In the Form Submissions List, the date will now be formatted based on the site local.


Pro Forms: Custom Action – Custom Success Message not showing​

Fixed an issue caused custom success messages set by the set_result() method not to show when using the custom action.


Pro Forms: ACF and Metabox not saving images correctly in some situations​

Fixed an issue caused ACF and Metabox to not saving images correctly into the meta fields in some situations.


Form Submissions: Custom Form Name not applied correctly​

Fixed an issue caused the custom name for a form to not show correctly. Instead, the ID of the form was displayed.
New Extension: Admin Pages
This extension allows you to create admin pages using Bricks Templates. Admin Pages are custom menu items that can be added to the WordPress admin menu. They can be used to create custom dashboards, settings pages, or any other type of admin page.
Bricksforge Panel: 3D Model Animations
Now, you can animate 3D Models with GSAP using the Bricksforge Panel.
Pro Forms: Added "Color Picker" Form Field
Added a new form field to give the user the possibility to choose a color from a color picker.
Pro Forms: Date Field – Added "Disable Dates in the past" and "Max Days" control
Added a new controls to automatically disable dates in the past in the Datepicker and to make it easier to work with dynamic dates.
Pro Forms: Repeater Fields – Added "All Rows" control
With this new control, Pro Forms will loop trough each row to replace the data with the data of your form fields.
Pro Forms: New Variable Filters
Added new filters :implode and :array. Example: {{your-variable:implode}} would convert an array to a comma separated string of values.
Bricksforge Panel: Added "Reverse Animation Selector"
Added an easy way to automatically reverse a click triggered animation using a custom selector.
New Dynamic Data Tag {brf_loop_index}
This Dynamic Data Tag allows you to display the index of the current loop.
New Dynamic Data Tag {brf_parent_loop_post_id}
This Dynamic Data Tag allows you to display the ID of the parent post of the current loop.
Form Submissions: Included field id
The Form Submissions Row Header is now also showing the field ID for the related field.
Security Improvements
Security has been increased for the Ajax functions that can be called via the Bricksforge Panel. By default, execution is now only permitted for users with the appropriate authorisations. Check the docs for more informations about this.
Pro Forms: "Disable Dates" not working for Datepicker
Fixed an issue caused the "Disable Dates" area to show a php error in some situations.
Pro Forms: Checkbox Gap setting is limiting unit to px
Fixed an issue caused checkbox gap setting to limit the unit to px.
Pro Forms: Image Previews not in sync
Fixed an issue caused the image previews for the "File" field to not be in sync in some situations.
Pro Forms: Modern Select Placeholder added as initial value
Fixed an issue caused the Modern Select field to add a placeholder as initial value when "Multiple" has been selected.
Pro Forms: Fixed "Create Submission" action issue
Fixed an issue caused the submit button to infinitely spin when using the "Create Submission" action.