Custom Product Options | Add Extra Fields to Product

Custom Product Options | Add Extra Fields to Product 5.2.0

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## Update Policy:
- Admin needs to update only zip file of module new version V5.2.0 because while admin will update zip file then database will be updated automatically.

## Improvements:
- Improve color panel on product page.
- Manage product options during reorder.
- Manage product option disocunt by the configuration.
- Parent checkbox hide with the configuration and manage with input values.
- Product search is available with the product reference at the time of option creation.
- Show product option on order details summary at checkout page.

## Bug fixes:
- Ajax must be call with displayAjax function on front controller fixed
- Add combination data by upgrade script to apply options on all combinations fixed
- Exclude options on the admin product edit page when the product is excluded.
- Skip price impact search values that start with a '%' prefix in the filter.
- Fixed issuue, where disabled products were not being searched when excluding products.
- Fixed ps_shoppingcart override issue.
- Fixed issue with updating cart quantity when deleting a product from the cart.
- Fixed price impact validation issue.
- Fixed issue related to displayPrice() function and replaced it with our custom function.
- Fixed mail content issue in product options and now displaying content line by line.
- Fixed ps_emailalert module Compatible issue.
- Fixed issue in dropdown edit options.
- Show file name on quickview after upload file.
- Replace getComputingPrecision() with _PS_PRICE_COMPUTE_PRECISION_ in versions below PS1.7.7.0.
- Product search requires a minimum of three letters.
- Fixed issue: show date, time, and datetime on the invoice and delivery slip.
- Fixed minor display, text issues.
- Fixed translations issues.

## Db changes:
- New field is_selected_first added in wk_product_options_config table.
- New field is_selected_first added in wk_product_options_config_shop table.
- Modify field id_customer in wk_product_options_conditions table.