Database Cleaner Pro

Database Cleaner Pro 1.0.6 Nulled

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* Add: Ability to browse the data in a table. All the columns are displayed, we'll add a way to hide/show the columns independently later.
* Add: Better titles for modals.
* Add: Additional support for plugins.
* Info: Please leave a review [here]( 💕 That would help me a lot 🍀 Thank you!
* Update: Better UI with better buttons, and colored alternative rows.
* Update: Used By data is now more overridable.
* Info: Please leave a review [here]( 💕 That would help me a lot 🍀 Thank you!
* Update: We can now override the 'Used By'.
* Update: Optimize the 'Used By' feature.
* Add: Pingbacks.

thanks @dexqld upate to this version.
* Update: Chart use log scale.
* Update: Options are handled differently (UI will be more responsive).
* Add: Better support for plugins.
* Info: You are also welcome to leave a review [here]( 💕 That help us a lot, thank you so much! 🍀