Extra  - News / Magazine WordpRess Template

Extra - News / Magazine WordpRess Template 4.25.1

No permission to download
- Added Option To Disable Divi AI In The Role Editor.
- Automatically convert and compress images generated by Divi AI to prevent large PNG images.
- Fixed Generate 4 more AI images action that wasn't working in some cases.
- Added AI button to toggle module.
- Fixed a PHP fatal error that occurred due to a compatibility issue with WPML's Automatic Translation and the Woo Product Stock module.
- Added permission check on Divi AI script load.
- Added a new "Writable et-cache Directory" setting for the system diagnostic report in Support Center.
* core/components/SupportCenter.php
* core/functions.php
* includes/builder/feature/ai-button.php
* includes/builder/feature/woocommerce-modules.php
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/assets.php
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/bundle.js
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/theme-builder/admin.php
* includes/builder/functions.php
* includes/builder/module/Heading.php
- Introduced Divi AI text and image generation.
* common/admin.php
* common/constants/colors.js
* common/i18n/ai.php
* common/lib/ai.js
* common/lib/i18n.js
* common/utils/color/color.js
* common/utils/html-utils.js
* core/functions.php
* includes/builder/class-et-builder-element.php
* includes/builder/class-et-builder-module-shortcode-manager.php
* includes/builder/core.php
* includes/builder/feature/I18n.php
* includes/builder/feature/ai-button.php
* includes/builder/framework.php
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/assets.php
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/bundle.js
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/helpers.php
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/theme-builder/admin.php
* includes/builder/functions.php
* includes/builder/module/Heading.php
- Fixed a bug where export did not work correctly in the Backend Builder when the Post Content was used in the Theme Builder layout.
- Fixed a bug that caused the Contact Form module field option "Allowed Symbols" to not work correctly in Chrome.
- Fixed broken color picker in builder after upgrading to WordPress 6.3.
- Fixed JavaScriot Uncaught ReferenceError: pagenow is not defined in Portability.
- Removed unwanted Export To Divi Cloud button from the Theme Options export modal.
- Fix video embed deprecated file notice.
* core/admin/css/core.css
* core/admin/js/portability.js
* core/components/PageResource.php
* core/components/Portability.php
* core/functions.php
* includes/builder/class-et-builder-element.php
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/bundle.js
* includes/builder/module/ContactFormItem.php
* includes/template-tags.php
- Add local and Divi Cloud libraries for Theme Options
- Fixed Divi Cloud configuration error.
* cloud/cloud-app.php
- Adjusted a fix in 4.20.1 that changed section class enumeration. For customers using performance plugins that strip away version parameters from CSS files, this could cause styles to appear jumbled when they did not clear their browser cache.
* includes/builder/feature/dynamic-assets/class-dynamic-assets.php
* includes/builder/feature/dynamic-assets/dynamic-assets.php
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/bundle.js
- Fixed Widget Area Creator panel not rendering in Widget Block Editor.
- Fixed issue allowing users to switch to default editor when creating a new post.
- Fixed unable to switch to Default Editor when creating new post.
- Fixed white space issue on top and bottom of embedded media.
- Fixed a JavaScript error that occurred in some cases when switching the Block Editor from Visual to Code or vice-versa.
- Fixed compatibility issue for WordPress 6.2 that affected the Edit Post/Page page.
- Fixed premade items caching.
- Fixed free items calculation in the Divi Cloud App.
* cloud/build/et-cloud-app.bundle.js
Download Elegant Themes Extra v4.17.1 WordPress Theme Nulled Free
version 4.17.1 ( updated 04-14-2022 )

- Fixed conflict with Events Manager plugin.
- Fixed a bug in the background gradients migration script that prevented inherited settings from fully migrating to the new Gradient Builder format.
- Fixed a bug in Counter Module that caused the background image to repeat with default settings on the front end.
- Fixes an issue where the semicolon was not included after the important property on some form fields on focus.
- Fixed issue were changing the zip code wasn't updating the shipping method for the given zip code.
- Fixed an issue which caused background pattern/mask to not show up properly when parallax image is used for column backgrounds on the front end.
- Fixed a text string conversion that could cause a fatal error in PHP 8.0 or later.
- Fixed Divi Cloud App conflict with 3rd party plugins in some cases.
- Fixed infinity resize event when FW Header fullscreen exists and the module scripts are reinitiated.
- Fixed numeric input increment step value is incorrect when shift key is released before any other key.
- Fixed a problem with frontend rendering of CSS for columns in specialty sections that used background gradients.
- Replaced jQuery hashchange library with Javascript hashchange event.
- Fixed search module background not being set on the entire module.
- Enhanced our options migration system to include third-party Divi Builder modules in its option updates.
- Fixed Global Colors usage in Presets.
- Fixed page settings bar collapsing unintentionally when clicking anywhere in the page.
- Fixed Checkout Details module not changing price when shipping option is changed.
- Fixed a data formatting conflict between Dynamic Content and Gradient Builder that blocked saving in some cases.
- Hardened escaping for plugin changelog entry URL being saved to transient data.
* core/components/Updates.php
* framework/functions.php
* framework/scripts/jquery.hash-persistance.js
* includes/builder/feature/dynamic-assets/assets/js/hash.js
* includes/builder/feature/dynamic-assets/assets/js/hashchange.js
* includes/builder/feature/dynamic-assets/class-dynamic-assets.php
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/bundle.js
* includes/builder/main-structure-elements.php
* includes/builder/module/Search.php
* includes/builder/module/settings/Migration.php
* includes/builder/module/settings/migration/BackgroundGradientStops.php
* includes/builder/scripts/frontend/scripts.js
* includes/builder/scripts/frontend/woocommerce-modules.js