[FF] Showcase Enhancements

[FF] Showcase Enhancements 1.2.12

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Author jessy
Creation date
Properly sets prefix when using publish as draft.
Added two new permissions to items
This allows you to separate item editing from attachment editing.
The new version of Showcase brought in some new templates which needed to be modified for this add-on to correctly work.

The minimum Showcase version is now : 3.2.28
Changed "Item Quick Reply" from a checkbox to a dropdown.
Removed the hardcoded CSS from the element and put everything in a ff_se_threadthumbnail.less template.

Also set the default CSS background position to "center" - so everything looks a bit nicer now.
Fixed bug where you couldn't disable cover image generation (size wouldn't accept 0).
Fixed bug where rebuild could throw error on invalid cover attachments.

Changed default cover size to 0 (so disabled on first install)
Ok so I shouldn't have been lazy yesterday, I've now updated this to use template replacements so cover image thumbnails are now linked directly in the page (no 301 redirects anymore) - this will speed things up.

This means you can still go to the /cover-image url to show the original full size one (which I think is quite useful)

Also added a new CLI job xf-rebuild:ff-se-xa-sc-items-cover-image so you can rebuild them all from the command line - thank to @Mouth.

Oh and if you are enabling the cover thumbnails on an existing site, you will need to run one of the rebuilds (CLI or admin area) otherwise Showcase will be linking to un-generated images.
Sorry about this, in my haste to copy and paste from the old addon, I missed an important part of code - yikes!

So this update fixes that (basically if you posted an item with no prefix at all it would fail)

As a bonus though and to say sorry about that, I've integrated another one of my addons into it.

Navigation Block Prefixes

If you enable this feature, the item assigned prefixes will appear in the navigation block, underneath the relevant category where the child categories go.

In this example "Ford Cars" is the real category, whereas "Fiesta", "Puma" and "Ranger" are just links to show only those prefixes in the "Ford Cars" category.