Formidable Forms Pro

Formidable Forms Pro 6.9 Nulled

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New: Phone fields now support a new International phone type option to enable International Telephone Input Validation by Twilio.
New: Pagination settings have been moved to the form builder. The rootline element or progress bar will now be displayed in the form builder.
New: Button settings have been moved to the form builder, as settings for the new submit button field.
New: When searching for entries by Entry creation date or updated timestamps on the entries list page, entries will be queried using the server timezone instead of UTC. To revert this behaviour, a new frm_should_search_admin_entries_created_at_in_utc filter has been added.
Fix: An update to treat single line text lookup field values as empty when using conditional logic has been reverted because it introduced other bugs with look up fields and conditional logic.
Fix: The frm_field_input_html hook was not calling for hidden inputs used for file fields.
Fix: Dynamic field entries will no longer include in-progress or abandoned entries by default. Support for new options have been added for the frm_dynamic_field_include_drafts filter to modify the default behaviour.
Fix: Some PHP warnings have been fixed for Slider fields formatted as custom currency that have been imported with incomplete option data.
Fix: Most currency symbols other than $ would appear as encoded data for a currency formatted Slider field.
Fix: Some value types, like dates, would trigger warnings when calling array_sum when used in [frm-stats] shortcodes when using some options including maximum.
Fix: When the frm_field_input_html to echo HTML for a dynamic field loaded from an AJAX request, the request would fail because of an invalid AJAX response.
Fix: A fileperms(): stat failed PHP warning would get logged when trying to get the chmod value of a file that does not exist.
Several old deprecated views functions and view files have been removed, as well as FrmProLookupFieldsController::add_standard_field_options, FrmProFormsController::user_options, several function in FrmProFieldsController, and FrmProEntriesController::ajax_get_data.
  • New: Repeaters now support a new "Minimum Repeater Rows" setting. When this is defined, repeater will load with the set number of rows, and remove buttons will be hidden when at the minimum number of rows. The Repeat Limit setting has been renamed to "Maximum Repeater Rows" as well.
  • New: GET params will now get passed when editing in-place.
  • New: The [frm-field-value] shortcode now supports several new options including sanitize="1", sanitize_url="1", clickable="1", and remove_accents="1".
  • New: Embedded fields can now be selected for lookup and dynamic field options.
  • New: Rich text fields will now use a more complete shortcode pop up in the form builder.
  • Fix: Entry search has been updated to properly support searching for whole terms when wrapping multiple words in double quotes.
  • Fix: Checks have been added to avoid fatal errors when trying to extend the time limit when the function is disabled.
  • Fix: Shortcodes that rely on the global post object like [post_title] were not working for default value inputs when adding a new repeater row.
  • Fix: The average boxes will no longer be shown by default on the reports page for hidden fields that do not use numeric values. This prevents an array_sum(): Addition is not supported on type string PHP warning.
  • Fix: Text calculations would not work when referencing a lookup value in an embedded form.
  • Fix: Only the first checkbox value would import when importing a value for a lookup field.
  • Fix: Some Slim Select look up fields were still getting reset to no value when editing an entry after the look up event happens on page load.
  • Fix: Slim Select dropdowns would appear cut off when using the Bootstrap add-on with Bootstrap 3 selected.
  • Fix: A Slim Select dropdown with "Automatic width" selected would not have automatic width, appearing as 100% width instead.
  • Fix: An Undefined array key "exclude_cat" PHP Warning has been fixed.
  • Fix: A fatal error when occur after changing a checkbox product field with multiple default values to a user defined product field.
  • Fix: Lookup validation wouldn't fail when submitting a required lookup field in a repeater with no value selected.
  • Fix: A styling issue was fixed in the pop up to add a new page to an application.
  • Fix: Conditional logic based on a single line text lookup field value will now be treated as empty until the first text lookup request has completed. This prevents an issue where custom HTML field error messages would appear temporarily after typing.
  • A disabled previous button will now appear as faded out for a better user experience.
* New: HTML field descriptions now support the shortcode pop up used in email actions.
* New: Exported posts from entries will now include <term_parent> tags when applicable.
* New: The collapsible sections used in the visual styler are now more accessible, including new aria-expanded attributes.
* New: Error messages should now be more descriptive. "This field" and "This value" strings will now be dynamically replaced with the name of the field. To partially revert this, a new frm_error_substrings_to_replace_with_field_name filter has been added as well.
* Fix: Form objects with missing option data would trigger fatal errors during various actions, including when deleting the form.
* Fix: HTML tags would get stripped of most HTML when displayed in a summary for a unprivileged or logged out user.
* Fix: A Uncaught TypeError: Cannot access offset of type string on string error has been fixed when checking for add-on data.
* Fix: License expired emails would get incorrectly sent for rate limited API requests.
* Fix: Some color style settings would output invalid RGB values when using a RGB color as the style setting value.
* API requests sent for retreiving add-on and template data will now happen less frequently.
* A few old deprecated global JavaScript functions have been removed including frm_resend_email, frmOnSubmit, and frmDeleteEntry.
* Some old CSS rules using -webkit- and -moz- prefixes have been removed, helping to reduce CSS file size.

New: The Full Width submit button position setting for new forms with the frm_flex class included on the frm_submit element now includes all buttons in a single row instead of making all buttons 100% width. Buttons will stretch to fill the empty space.
New: Slim Select dropdowns that allow empty values now include an x icon for clearing the value back to empty.
New: The Slim Select options pop up will no longer close on select when the dropdown is set to multiselect to make it easier to select multiple options.
New: Slim Select dropdowns options will now appear in the order they were selected in, to be more consistent with how Chosen dropdowns worked and to make it easier to keep track of the last selected option.
Fix: Most HTML would get stripped when displaying a Summary field including anchor tags and image tags. Now it is based on the privileges of the logged in user.
Fix: [x show="label"] shortcodes would not work for checkboxes or dropdown fields with multiselect enabled, showing the values instead.
Fix: A PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: reset(): Argument #1 ($array) must be of type array, string given error triggered for some calculation fields has been fixed.
Fix: The submit button would remain disabled after a lookup on some forms with multiple pages and submit button conditional logic.
Fix: The Full Width submit button position setting was not working when using the Overwrite theme styling style setting.
Fix: Unique field validation would fail when submitting a value that exists in another entry that isn't completed, include draft, in-progress, and abandoned entry statuses. Now unique field validation will only check entries that are submitted.
Fix: Fixed a PHP Warning: Array to string conversion in submit button conditional logic settings that was preventing the new starts with and ends with options from staying selected.
Fix: When loading a form, sometimes data would load for a recently edited entry instead of for the expected draft entry.
Fix: Forms with date calculations would pop up with an error message on load in some cases where 2 forms are loaded on a single form, or when editing in-place.
Fix: Repeater button icons now always use repeater icon color styling.
Fix: Fields that use a Lookup default value were not pulling look up values when the watched Lookup field was an Slim Select dropdowns.
Fix: Options were not populating properly in lookup fields watching other lookup fields if the watching lookup was a Slim Select dropdown.
Fix: Disabled radio buttons and checkboxes displayed as images will no longer have special border styling on hover.
Fix: The list of autocomplete options when using Slim Select was not scrollable.
Fix: Slim Select dropdowns were not working properly with RTL styles.
Fix: Placeholders were not appearing as expected in Lookup and Dynamic field Slim Select dropdowns.
Fix: Submit buttons would not stop spinning after uploading a file because of a JavaScript error introduced in last release.
  • New: The dashboard landing page will include a new weekly submissions report.
  • New: Autocomplete dropdowns no longer use Chosen. The dropdown library has been replaced with Slim Select. This means that auto-complete now works on mobile devices. If you require to switch back to Chosen, you can switch back using add_filter( 'frm_use_chosen_js', '__return_true' );. After adding this filter, you will also need to make sure to re-generate generated CSS and JavaScript files as well.
  • New: The add-ons page now includes buttons to deactivate and uninstall add-ons.
  • New: Fields will now appear in the order they are defined when using a [frm-graph] shortcode. For example, when using [frm-graph fields="20,10"] field ID 20 will appear before field ID 10 because it it defined first in the CSV.
  • New: Additional HTML tags will not be stripped from form input when Pro is active for better compatibility with rich text fields. These additional tags include h1-h6, blockquote, pre, code, hr, del, and ins.
  • New: Conditional logic for form actions now support greater than or equal to and less than or equal to options.
  • New: Submit button conditional logic now supports new starts with and ends with condition options.
  • New: Embedded fields can now be used in Post actions.
  • New: Embedded fields can now be used for customer name and address options in Stripe payment actions included in Formidable Lite.
  • New: [frm-graph] shortcodes using the table type now support title attributes like the other types. This includes title_size, title_font, title_bold, title_italic, and title_color.
  • New: When using shortcodes to display a value for a dynamic field value like [8437 show=8438], if the target field uses options with separated values, the label will now be displayed by default instead of the value. The frm_should_dynamic_field_use_option_label filter can be used to revert to the previous behaviour if desired.
  • New: [if x] shortcodes where x is the ID of a dynamic field now support a show="id" option for making comparisons by entry ID.
  • Fix: Some text calculations using values from dropdown fields in repeaters were not working.
  • Fix: When displaying form data for a radio or checkbox field that displays options as images, the image HTML would get stripped for form submissions from unprivileged users.
  • Fix: The option to disable custom styling on a form was not working when editing an entry.
  • Fix: In some cases, conditional logic was breaking after adding a repeater row.
  • Fix: The average and median values on the reports page were not filtering properly when filtering for a date range.
  • Fix: HTML tags used in shortcode "sep" options were getting stripped on display from entries submitted from unprivileged users.
  • Fix: The form preview in the form builder page for scale fields did not look right when stepping down.
  • Fix: A changedInput[0] is undefined JavaScript TypeError has been fixed.
  • Fix: A calculation would not work for a look up or product field displayed as a radio button if the fields were on different pages.
  • Fix: An h3 tag used in an HTML field description placed inside of a section would use the same styling as the section label.
  • Fix: Margin styling has been updated for rootline elements to help avoid conflict with list styling coming from theme code.
  • The add new entry button has been moved to the sidebar on the edit entry admin page.
  • The not_like condition used in [if x] conditional statement shortcodes is now case-insensitive.
  • Like
Reactions: Moltre and kberita1
New: [frm-graph] shortcodes now support a title_italic=1 option.
New: The setting for displaying a look up or dynamic field as a dropdown has been renamed to improve compatibility with security tools that block the word "select" in POST data.
New: Formidable branding has been removed on the import page when white labelling is enabled.
New: "like" and "not like" conditions used in conditional logic have been renamed to "contains" and "does not contain".
Fix: Edited entries would perform look ups and change the value of some fields watching the look ups when there were already values set.
Fix: A conditionally disabled submit button would switch to enabled after a look up was completed, or a file was uploaded. Now it will only switch to enabled when all conditions are fulfilled.
Fix: Dynamic defaults values like [post_title] and [get] shortcodes were not always getting set back to their default values after clicking the start over button.
Fix: A fatal error would occur when using a [frm-graph] shortcode when using group_by and include_zero options together.
Fix: A styling issue has been fixed for rootline elements on RTL layouts.
Fix: [if created_at] conditional statements with conditions like greater_than="-10 minutes" would not work using the expected timezone. This has been updated to work with condition values like "-10 minutes" and "-30 seconds".
Fix: A third parameter is now included when calling the frm_after_create_entry action for a draft entry. Without this parameter, there were issues with possible conflicts with other code that relies on this hook, including code in older versions of the Zoho Flow plugin.
Fix: New repeater entries were not getting added when updating an entry because of an issue introduced in last release.
Fix: "like" conditions were failing to work when comparing a numeric value to an unexpected non-numeric string like "_123".
Fix: A passing null to parameter #3 deprecated message when calling str_replace has been fixed when processing shortcodes.
Fix: Some warnings would get logged when deactivating Pro.
Fix: A passing null to parameter #1 deprecated message when calling stripos has been fixed when processing shortcodes.
Fix: When importing CSV data for a multiselect dynamic dropdown, only a single entry record would get imported successfully.
Fix: Only a single multiselect lookup option would be selected when editing an entry after the lookup happens on page load.
Fix: Calculations with repeaters would sometimes include values from incorrect fields with similar field keys.
Fix: Clicking on a single file upload field with an uploaded file will no longer load the prompt to upload another file.
  • New: Style settings now include options for Slider circle size and track height.
  • New: [if created_at] and [if updated_at] conditional shortcodes can now be compared against updated_at and created_at magic compare values, like [if updated_at greater_than="created_at"]This entry has been updated.[/if updated_at].
  • New: When using [if x equals="Option Value"] conditional shortcodes to match a field with image options, it would previously require the show="value" option. This is now included automatically to make it easier to use.
  • New: Shortcodes will now be escaped in post content when creating a post action from a field value.
  • New: Dynamic list fields will now pull the separated option label for its display value automatically. This can be reverted to the previous behaviour using a new frm_should_dynamic_field_use_option_label filter.
  • New: Dynamic list fields now support a show="label" shortcode option.
  • New: Name fields now work in text calculations, including support for show=first and show=last options.
  • New: Conditional logic now supports starts with and ends with comparison options.
  • Fix: AJAX submit will no longer be forced when editing in place unless there are CAPTCHA fields. The previous update prevented views from reloading after editing in-place and has been reverted unless necessary.
  • Fix: A conflict with the Modal Popup module of the Ultimate add ons for Beaver Builder plugin would cause only the first and last repeater rows to save.
  • Fix: A lookup field wouldn't do a lookup on load when watching a field with a default value set.
  • Fix: Conditional logic would not work when looking for the value of a Name field.
  • The option to search the entries list for repeated or embedded fields has been temporarily reverted because it introduced issues. Repeated entries were being counted on entries list pages, and switching pages was triggering fatal errors.
  • New: Screen reader text has been added to header logos for improved accessibility on admin pages.
  • New: Some margins have been removed from file upload fields that were causing styling issues.
  • New: Checkbox groups will no longer use an aria-required attribute on the group element. This was causing accessibility errors in axe DevTools and Google PageSpeed.
  • New: Email fields now have a new autocomplete setting to make it easier to add autocomplete="email" to an email field.
  • New: The reports page now includes a status dropdown for filtering entries by status.
  • New: The dropzone button now includes a label for improved accessibility.
  • New: Date field colors can now be styled for every style. Previously this was limited to the default style only.
  • New: A repeater with no rows will reset to a single row when the start over button is clicked.
  • New: You can now search for values for embedded and repeated fields when searching from the entries list admin page.
  • Fix: [formidable] shortcodes would not process in HTML field descriptions, and shortcodes in HTML field custom HTML were not processing as expected.
  • Fix: A JavaScript error would get logged after submitting forms with dynamic fields when only a success message is shown on success.
  • Fix: Look ups were not working when watching a Name field.
  • Fix: Star rating fields were not appearing in Safari browsers.
  • Fix: The Other input for radio buttons would not get hidden after clicking the star over button.
  • Fix: Dropzone errors would get cleared immediately on load when there were file values set.
  • Fix: Stale embedded form data wouldn't update after fields in an embedded form was updated.
  • Fix: Add/remove buttons used in repeaters no longer change background color on hover when using icons only.
  • Fix: The repeater limit was not getting applied properly when switching between pages in a multiple page form.
  • Fix: Edit in-place would not work for a form with a reCAPTCHA field when submit with AJAX was disabled.
  • Fix: Some padding has been removed from radio buttons displayed as images. This fixes issues with options appearing off-centre.
  • Fix: Entry meta wasn't getting deleted when entries were deleting after clicking star over.
  • Fix: Checkbox options displayed as images would not appear selected when viewing the result when the checkbox option included an ampersand character.
  • Fix: The add row button would not appear after deleting every repeater row when using the icons only display style.
  • Fix: An undefined array key "size" warning would get logged for some file upload fields.
  • Fix: HTML fields were not properly working in conditional logic inside of repeaters.
  • Fix: When importing a form and its embedded form child, the child form will now get updated to the new child form ID in the parent form after the import is complete.
  • Fix: The other option would not appear selected in field settings after setting it as the default value.
  • Fix: A star rating field display value would appear as star_full text when using You are missing options in your shortcode. field_id is required. shortcodes without the keepjs=1 because of a filtering issue.
  • The function FrmProEntry::get_view_results has been deprecated.
  • Checkboxes have been removed as an option for Post Titles due to incompatibility issues.
  • New: A database query used on the reports page has been optimized, as well as the way entry metas are decoded, reducing the time for the reports page to load.
  • New: The timeout limit is now removed on the reports page to avoid issues with slow reports timing out when processing data for a lot of entries.
  • New: Styling has been updated for the reports page and new entry page when no form ID is filtered in the URL.
  • Fix: A JavaScript error would get logged on the reports page when no form ID was being filtered in the URL.
  • Fix: Some unexpected date formats would cause fatal errors on form submit.
  • Fix: Values like -5 Hours would not work in a created_at_greater_than frm-graph shortcode option.
  • Fix: Shortcodes would process twice in HTML field descriptions.
  • Fix: Multiple copies of a form would occasionally copy to other sites instead of just a single copy.
  • New: The default value for a password field invalid format validation message is now more descriptive. As this error message is used for the missing special characters rule, the message now includes the special characters error message by default instead of the previous "Password is invalid" default message.
  • New: [foreach] shortcodes now support a order="desc" option for iterating repeater entries in reverse order.
  • New: Field calculations now support scientific notation, enabling numbers like 10e2.
  • New: A new frm_protected_file_readonly_permission filter has been added. This can be used to work around a Snuffleupagus security module rule that prevents certain chmod values.
  • New: The way CSS and SVGs are added has been modified for better compatibility with the Snuffleupagus security module.
  • Fix: Star rating field styling has been updated to improve compatibility with some themes where stars would appear on separate lines.
  • Fix: Placeholder labels would not appear in multiselect lookup dropdowns.
  • Fix: Text calculations were not working properly for dynamic field dropdowns in repeaters.