If-So Dynamic Content Pro

If-So Dynamic Content Pro Nulled

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no change log for this version
* Bug fixes (conditional gutenberg blocks)
* Added GA4 reporting option, which can be activated per-shortcode by adding a ga4="yes" attribute to the trigger's shortcode.
* Allowed names to be added to If-So trigger versions, which are also included in the GA4 events being sent (if enabled) as event parameters.
* Reworked the Gutenberg standalone condition widget for improved reliability and performance.
* Added a new public JS event - "ifsoajaxcontentloaded" - to help synchronize all the actions attached to various ajax content loading procedures.
* Allowed triggers rendered by "recurrence" and "testing mode" to work with analytics, groups, and other hooks.
* Allowed setting the_content filter on a trigger rendered via ajax (previously only without ajax) by setting the "the_content" attribute in the shortcode.
* UI improvements.
* Bug fixes.
* New functionality - Redirect shortcode improvements: Create a URL template to easily redirect each page on your site to a corresponding page on another domain, subdomain, TLD, or directory. <a href="https://www.if-so.com/help/documentation/redirect-users-based-on-conditions/" target="_blank">Learn more</a>.
* New functionality - Conversion can now be set to fire once every X seconds via the "do_once_per" shortcode attribute. <a href="https://www.if-so.com/help/documentation/analytics/" target="_blank">Learn more</a>.
* PHP 8.2 compatibility - Prevent the use of deprecated functionality.
* "Find a Trigger" tool functionality improvements.
* Elementor compatibility improvements - Treat Elementor "preview" pages like edit pages.
* Reworked the built-in analytics conversion system.
* Reworked the trigger hook/filter mechanism.
* Redirect shortcode - Escape URL before placing it on the page; changed "once_per" attribute to "do_onceper".
* ifsoDKI shortcode in "ajax" mode now works inside various pop-ups (If-So trigger events, Elementor, and others).
* Conditional Gutenberg Blocks functionality - Fixed dependency bug occurring in the newest version of WordPress.
* If-So triggers' shortcodes inside If-So bulks content now use the appropriate context when loaded via Ajax and vice versa.
* Gravity Forms compatibility fixes.
* Various bug fixes.
* WordPress 6.4 compatibility fixes
* Add support to use the <a href="https://wordpress.org/plugins/if-so-geolocation/" target="_blank">HTML5 Geolocation API (browser location) option</a>, provided by the free Geolocation Extension. <a href="https://www.if-so.com/the-html-geol...ium=Readme&utm_campaign=v2&utm_term=html5_api" target="_blank">Learn more</a>
* [ifso-add-cookie] Shortcode: Added 'increment' attribute. Setting it to 'yes' will make the cookie value a number that increments each time the shortcode is encountered. <a href="https://www.if-so.com/help/documentation/the-cookie-condition/" target="_blank">Learn more</a>.
* Cookie Condition: Added "Numeric is more than" / "Numeric is less than" options.
* Redirect Shortcode: Added the ability to redirect once per a specified period of time. <a href="https://www.if-so.com/help/documentation/redirect-users-based-on-conditions/" target="_blank">Learn more</a>.
* "Find Shortcode" / Scan Posts Tool: Functionality improvements, including the ability to scan for relevant if-so conversions.
* Audiences and Geolocation Dashboard Pages: Enhancements.
* Bug Fixes.
* State targeting now utilizes the Google Maps API for state selection.
* Compatibility with new functions of the If-So Geolocation extension has been enhanced.
- Added the option to "block bots" (can be activated in the settings) (learn more).
- The geolocation request log and analyzer tool now include user-agent data, making it easier to detect and block bots. User agents can be blocked by passing an array of user-agent values to the filter "ifso_block_bots_extra_blocked_user_agents" (User-agent will be blocked if its text contains the value)
- Flag DKI Shortcode: Added a "classname" attribute, allowing users to add classes to the rendered element.
Ex. [ifsoDKI type='geo' show='flag' width='50px' classname='class-you-choose']
- Location override improvements: Added the option to display flags near the country labels in a selection form.
- Location override improvements: Country DKI shortcode is now affected by the override functionality.
- Location override page caching compatibility: The form can now be loaded using Ajax.
* Added the ability to whitelist users from the geolocation “Block bots” mode based on IP, cookie, or by using the geo service in the same way blacklisting is done, but with the "ifso_geo_whitelist" filter instead.
* Allow blocking users from the geolocation service based on the results of custom functions (user role, login status).
* UI improvements.
* Bug fixes.
* Added the option to become a geolocation reseller - create sublicenses for clients' websites and take control of allocating monthly sessions to each sublicense based on their needs. <a href="https://www.if-so.com/add-ons-and-integrations/sub-geolocation-license/" target="_blank">Learn more.</a>.
* Improved the user interface of the geolocation dashboard section.
* Extended access to the audiences page and audience creation/deletion to editors, authors, and other custom roles with post creation permissions.
* Bug fixes.