
jDBexport 4.0.8

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Author sarisan
Creation date
com_jDBexport 4.0.82024-01-06SQL by AI improved, bugfixes for compatibility with J5, separate branches for Joomla3/4 and Joomla5
com_jDBexport 4.0.72023-09-29SQL by AI (ChatGPT), bugfixes and partitial compatibility for Joomla5
com_jDBexport 4.0.62022-12-08Minor bugfixes for Joomla 3.10 / 4.0 / 4.1 and PHP 8.0 / 8.1
com_jDBexport 4.0.52022-05-28Fully compatible with Joomla 4.1 and PHP 8.1
com_jDBexport 4.0.32021-03-25Full compability with Joomla 4 and PHP 8
com_jDBexport 4.0.22020-03-05Minor bugfixes for PhpSpreadsheet library
com_jDBexport 4.0.12019-02-01Stable version including the new PhpSpreadsheet library