Kadence Blocks Pro

Kadence Blocks Pro 2.3.7 Nulled

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* Add: Link to view full changelog on Kadence website.
* Fix: Dynamic HTML typography not applying if repeater field is used.
* Fix: Product carousel in mega menu.
* Fix: Portfolio Grid/Carousel not showing one less post when used in element.
* Fix: Repeater block styles applying to unexpected elements.
* Fix: Swatch filter when the term being used was the default and not specifically selected.
* Fix: Query Loop filter result counts when children are sorted hierarchically.
* Fix: Editing the repeater block in WordPress 6.5.
* Update: Block API version.
* Update: improved js and css styling.
* Fix: An issue when using custom meta key in Dynamic Content.
* Fix: An issue with counts in the advanced query block.
* Fix: An issue with templated field values in the auto response email in empty.
* Fix: An issue with labels with dropdown fields for the advanced query block.
* Add: Ability to use Kadence Elements as card in query loop.
* Add: Ability to use Woo Templates as card in query loop.
* Add: Infinite scroll to query loop.
* Add: Range filter to query loop.
* Add: Swatch filter to query loop.
* Add: Rating filter to query loop.
* Add: Related posts option to query loop.
* Add: Ability to select individual posts in query loop.
* Add: Ability to adjust term order in query loop.
* Add: Ability to use icons in query loop filter labels.
* Add: Toggle for sticky posts in query loop.
* Add: Ability to limit text length in Dynamic HTML block.
* Add: Ability to strip HTML in Dynamic HTML block.
* Fix: query loop gap units not applying properly.
* Fix: Image overlay block inside of query loop on non-Kadence themes.
* Fix: Glightbox min.js file not being minified.
* Fix: query loop block inside of mega menus.
* Fix: Other various query loop bugs.
* Add: New Form Analytics option.
* Add: New option to make sections conditional in forms.
* Add: Get Response as an action option in the Advanced Form.
* Fix: Improve dynamic html & list support in repeater block.
* Fix: Incorrect column count in Query Loop block on product catalog page.
* Fix: Image overlay border radius not applying to image.
* Fix: Video popup gradient not applying to overlay image.
* Fix: Issue with PHP 8.2 and dynamic property warning.
* Fix: Issue with sticky posts effecting editor post select.
* Fix: License link conditions.
* Fix: Undefined issue on settings page.
* Update: Logic around inheriting queries in query loop.
* Update: Logic around and/or with filters.
* Fix: Issue with sliders in RTL
* Fix: Arrow styles not showing on the front end.
* Add: Setting to always show all custom fields in dynamic content.
* Fix: Issue with Advanced From webhook values.
* Fix: Post Grid custom except length when set greater than 55.
* Fix: Setting post grid box shadow color
* Fix: Post content & post excerpt both being selected in meta relationship dynamic content.
* Fix: Better sizing for modal preview in editor.
* Fix: Responsive max width issue in advanced slider.
* Fix: Some Mailchimp API requests failing.
* Fix: Possible issue with older PHP version.
* Fix: Modal border radius not applying if no color is set on border.
* Add: Conditional fields for form block.
* Add: Option in advanced slider to disable drag.
* Fix: Portfolio fluid carousel issue.
* Fix: Issue with dynamic posts page title.
* Fix: Issue with slide render inline.