Kadence Theme Pro

Kadence Theme Pro 1.0.20 Nulled

No permission to download
* Update: Added additional validation elements.
* Fix: PHP 8.2+ compatibility.
* Fix: Possible issue with event tickets.
* Fix: Possible issue with notice cache.
* Update: license key connect for ithemes licenses.
* Update: Key input obfuscate.
* Add: New Replace Archive option in element templates.
* Update: License connection field.
* Update: Free shipping calculation logic.
* Update: Deprecation notices for php 8.2
* Fix: Label issue in header widget toggle.
* Fix: Css with tertiary and quaternary navigation.
* Update: Add filter to elements args.
* Update: Context Provider for 6.3 support of post preview in elements.
* Update: Filter in query attribute for better dynamic support.
* Update: Improve toggling side cart on page load.
* Update: Prepend attachment filter conditionals.
* Fix: Mega menu color not resetting.
* Fix: Mega menu color positioning.
* Fix: Possible undefined variable notice.
* Fix: Typo in setting page.
* Update: Language Files.
* Fix: Issue with single add to cart ajax and external products.
* Update: Allow the toggle widget area to be used on mobile.
* Fix: CSS errors on dark mode toggle
* Fix: Dark mode custom mobile logo not working
* Fix: WPML issue with selecting individual pages for conditional header.
* Fix: Issue with mobile account registration settings.
* Fix: Issue with amount to free shipping showing tax subtotal.
* Fix: Issue with sorting elements in admin.
* Fix: Issue with missing class when replacing content.
* Fix: Issue with disabling custom header or footer.
* Update: Elements to be public post type by default. (filter kadence_element_public_cpt).
* Fix: Preload css issue.