Login as User Pro

Login as User Pro 3.6.3

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+ Added full compatibility with Joomla! 5.
# [Bug Fixed] Added error handling for email sending to prevent page crashes when admin disables email functionality.
# Minor fixes and improvements.

+ [Improvement (J4)] The "Login as User" column is now able to be hidden or visible. [Screenshot: https://bit.ly/login-as-user-column-visibility]
# [Bug Fixed (only in J4)] The "Login as User" button in the User's list (com_user) is now displayed the correct column.
# Minor fixes and improvements.

# [Bug Fixed] The plugin settings are not save on the tab "Assign multiple Admins to specific User Groups".
# [Bug Fixed] Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined, for the file "/media/plg_system_web357framework/js/script.min.js"
# [Bug Fixed (only in J4)] The "Login as User" button in the User's list (com_user) was in the wrong column.
# Minor fixes and improvements.
^ [Improvement] Styling improvements into the HikaShop component [Thank you, Brian Mitchell]
# Minor fixes and improvements.

# [Bug Fixed] Fully compatible with the OS Membership PRO v3.3.2
# Minor fixes and improvements.
[Bug Fixed] Community Builder: Call to a member function getWebAssetManager() on null.
Minor fixes and improvements.
+ [Improvement] At the HikaShop component, in the Orders and Customers list, the "Login as a User" button should not be displayed if the User doesn't exist. Maybe the user has been requested account deletion, or it was a guest checkout. [Thank you, Brian Mitchell]
# Minor fixes and improvements.
+ [New Feature] Fully compatible with the Phoca Cart. A new "Login as User" button has been added to the "Orders" and the "Customers" pages.
# Minor fixes and improvements in older templates of VirtueMart.
# [Bug Fixed] The tab "Assign multiple Admins to specific User Groups" is displayed twice.
# Minor fixes and improvements.
+ [New Feature] You can now login as a user inside the User's edit page, at Joomla! backend, while editing the user's details. [Screenshot: https://bit.ly/joomla-user-edit-page-screenshot]
# Minor fixes and improvements.
+ Fully compatible with Joomla! 4
# Minor fixes and improvements.
# Minor fixes and improvements.
# [Bug Fixed] JoomGallery photos are not displayed properly after enabling the Login as a User plugin. [Thank you, Yanco M. Nilyus]