Prolancer | Freelance Marketplace WordPress theme

Prolancer | Freelance Marketplace WordPress theme 1.4.3 Nulled

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- Notification tags issue with the 'wc_price' tag has been fixed
- Enqueue style handle name spelling mistake fixed from 'plugn' to 'plugin'
- The issue where ordering service would keep loading if the service had no feature image has been fixed
- Placeholder image option added in the system notification if there is no image exist
- Grammar fix for notification "Your dispute finished" to "Your dispute has been resolved"
- The sidebar error has been fixed when the projects and services archive have no items
- Deprecated prolancer_get_currency_symbol() function
- Replaced wc_price() with prolancer_get_currency_symbol()
- Fixed currency symbol direction
- Issue: Compatibility problem with Elementor's new update.
- Resolution: Deprecated hook "elementor/widgets/widgets_registered" has been fixed.
- New Approach: We now use "elementor/widgets/register" for compatibility.
- The issue with the empty dispute form has been fixed. Now, the form will only appear if there are cancelled projects or services.
- The issue with the dispute amount display has been fixed.
- Submit proposal nonce name has changed
- Project cancel nonce name has changed
- The buyer list column breaking issue has been fixed
- Seller profile image placeholder added by gravatar
- Payment withdrawal request nonce name has changed
- Profile switcher nonce name has changed
- Buyer profile image placeholder added by gravatar
- In the seller profile social media updating saving issue has been fixed
- In the buyer profile social media updating issue has been fixed
- On registration buyer and seller profile names have been added automatically
- The service attachment image changing issue has been fixed in the edit
- The project attachment image changing issue has been fixed in the edit
- The service item wishlist loading spinner issue has been fixed
- Unfollow feature added to the current profile of the seller and buyer profile
- Unfollow feature was added to the current page of the service and project detail page
- Successfully changed password alert icon has changed to the correct icon
- Suggested projects will never show if there is no post exists
- Suggested services will never show if there is no post exists
- Suggested buyers will never show if there is no post exists
- Suggested sellers will never show if there is no post exists
- Less than 400px screen size chat list will be full width from now
- Currently visited project, service, buyer, and seller will not appear
- Front-end dashboard seller profile gender value has been made capitalized
- 404 templates added to the front-end board
- Create or edit a project and service ID is now restricted. and the 'No result found!' warning will appear while inputting a wrong value
- Ongoing services detail page ID is now restricted. and the 'No result found!' warning will appear while inputting a wrong value
- Ongoing projects detail page ID is now restricted. and the 'No result found!' warning will appear while inputting a wrong value
- Completed services detail page ID is now restricted. and the 'No result found!' warning will appear while inputting a wrong value
- Completed projects detail page ID is now restricted. and the 'No result found!' warning will appear while inputting a wrong value
- Seller's cancelled projects page issue has been fixed
- Seller's cancelled projects and services action button has been removed
- The buyer profile twice views issue has been fixed
- The Seller profile twice views issue has been fixed
- "Attachments" label has been added to the project creation page
- "Featured Images" label has been added to the service creation page
- 'project-label' taxonomy depreciated
- 'project-label' field depreciated on the project creation page
- While FAQ is not set on the service creation page the additional service creation issue has been fixed
- Advanced menu properties added to the menu
- Ordering your own services is now restricted