Propovoice Pro

Propovoice Pro Nulled

No permission to download
* Fixed: Admin dashboard topbar notification count
* Fixed: Fatal error on plugin activation
* Updated: File Structure
* Updated: Database adjusted for MyISAM db engine
* Fixed: Client discussion notification
* Fixed: Some security issue
* Fixed: Notification activity conflict in settings
* Fixed: Undefined function error for prior php version
* Fixed: Notification settings issue
* Update: Lead Export & Import issue
* Added: Custom field in Export Import
* Update: Team Permission issue
* Update: Client portal issue
* Update: When project request auto set Probability
* Update: When project list showing issue
* Update: Client portal Project search issue
Update: Import Export issue
I share the update of Propovoice Pro to its latest version available, It has been canceled following the code modified by @Morehere

The modified file is /plugins/propovoice-pro-1/app/Ctrl/Api/Type/License.php

To activate, they must go to License and place any code or text
Added: Paypal and Stripe auto subscription added