Simply Static Pro

Simply Static Pro Nulled

No permission to download
* iframe integration for forms
* auto-export after comment submission
* BunnyCDN uses default 404 page
* WPML config updated + removed nested fields to support Polylang
* optimization settings now also change config dir URL
* auto-remove host for SFTP deployments
* fix PHP notice for static_url check in webhook
* reverted trait implementation to fix PHP conflicts with versions < 8.1
* implemented task for SFTP transfers
* improved task handling filter mechanism
* fixed GitHub branch setting
* composer dependency update
* added XML, JSON, PDF, TXT and CSV to supported mime types for GitHub blob generation API endpoint
* fixed PHP notice for GitHub sync
* fixed committer data format (it's an array instead of a string)
* simplified generation of simplstatic.txt file when setting up new repositories
* implemented throttling to prevent Secondary API Limit on GitHub if executed with WP-Cron
* implemented filter to dynamically add URLs and files to builds