The Cornerstone Website Builder for WordPress

The Cornerstone Website Builder for WordPress 7.4.20 Nulled

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Author hargrave
Creation date
  • Feature: Search by ID in document list
  • Feature: Featured Image Controls for post types that support it
  • Updated: URL Segments Dynamic Content can search by negative indexes.
  • Updated: If not logged in when navigating to Cornerstone, it will bring you to the login page
  • Updated: Scrolling by hashes scrolls both the HTML element and the body element. It would not work with pages with overflow issues
  • Updated: Google Font list
  • Bugfix: Elements Control tabs, buttons to scroll the tab list would sometimes not work
  • Bugfix: Font Awesome still displayed Sharp as enabled by default
  • Bugfix: Mini-Cart and Gallery would sometimes not work on load when viewing in the Cornerstone Preview
  • Bugfix: When a CS animation reached the end of it's animation. It would sometimes flicker
  • Bugfix: Navigation icons would duplicate their class name and would shift the page for non dropdown navigation links
  • Bugfix: File Input link icon was overlaying the text input improperly
  • Bugfix: CS standalone did not check undercased HTML doctypes
  • Updated: Language around Max cache clearing has been changed in App
  • Updated: Max admin section has been restyled to look like other extensions and plugins in that same area
  • Updated: Parameters `type` check is now case insensitive
  • Updated: More debug info is displayed in-App if a component is missing
  • Updated: When creating a blank document, it no longer displays the full screen progress message. Instead it uses the top progress bar and a simple message
  • Bugfix: Max plugins could not be updated
  • Bugfix: Quote element graphics (opening, and closing) did not follow breakpoint styling
  • Bugfix: Cross Sell Element with type "product" would blindly grab products if a product had no Cross Sells
  • Bugfix: Sticky bars Trigger Selector was broken due to latest sticky bar changes
  • Bugfix: Toogle hash was mistakenly removed from Tabs
  • Bugfix: Remove possibility of a Fatal error when WPML has translations for a layout, but the layout no longer exists
  • Bugfix: If a Google Font was used as in the Font pallete it would load in every single font weight. It now loads in the normal and bold, and any font weight you use dynamically on your pages
Feature: Custom attributes for all elements support arrays as well as json, this was a partial bug fix as it was possible to have an element with custom attributes as an array if you imported a certain template
Feature: OEmbed Theme Options to either disable for internal links or disable entirely allowing
Feature: Image controls now have a text input to change the source
Feature: Cornerstone now has a favicon! Disable with the filter `cs_app_favicon_enabled` and change with the filter `cs_app_favicon`
Feature: Ajax cart notification now resets it's state upon a page redirection
Updated: Ajax cart notification's z-index has been raised
Updated: The grammar of the template tab was changed to "Current Document Type" instead of "You are working on a"
Updated: On mobile all toggle events are handled through `touchstart` to improve iOS interaction time
Updated: Further performance improvements to our scroll event and resize events
Bugfix: Row Resizer could not resize if it was inside a looper or inside a dropzone like column
Bugfix: Sticky bars were not initializing themselves as fixed despite being at the top of the page
Bugfix: Sticky bars were not detecting the proper trigger heights when the page started on a scroll anchor
Bugfix: Sticky bars did not allow for a bar with no animation transitions
Bugfix: Scroll based effects were flickering due to their state not initializing correctly on launch
Bugfix: Missing conditions rules for underline theme options
Bugfix: WPML Layout types (archive, single, woocommerce etc) retain their language data when going from Pro5 to Pro6. Please still run your Pro5 to Pro6 upgrade in staging if you have WPML and let us know if you have any issues
Bugfix: Drag and drop was broken due to new toggle state detection code
  • Updated: Column default z-index is 1 to remove issues with background content appearing behind the background
  • Bugfix: Hotfix to remove error when max wasn't registered
Bugfix: Hotfix to make sure that old shortcodes are loaded even if classic elements is not turned on
  • Bugfix: Hotfix release to revert the background upper layer z-index change. We will be creating a new layer to satisfy the request of having a layer to cover content like a dark seethru color over your entire content
  • Feature: Components now have a shortcode `[cs_component id='...']` to access from across wordpress similar to global blocks
  • Bugfix: Frontend images were displaying when there was no image src
  • Bugfix: Individual tabs were not being hidden by their breakpoints
  • Bugfix: Old Navigation Layered was not being hidden by it's breakpoints
  • Bugfix: Google Font weights were not loading properly
  • Bugfix: Site import for everything, but the starter site was not importing page data
  • Bugfix: Individual tabs were not being hidden by their conditions
  • Bugfix: Legacy Site Importing was not importing fonts and font weights