WC Vendors Pro

WC Vendors Pro Nulled

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* Bug Fix: Correct the plugin folder name
* Feature: Allow vendors to sort their orders by order status
* Improvement: Surface new preferred payment method setting on the Pro dashboard
* Bug Fix: Pro Dashboard reports are not showing on some installs after upgrading to 1.8.8
* Bug Fix: The tax calculation on the orders dashboard is incorrect when there are products from different vendors
* Fixed: PHP Fatal Error when applying as a vendor via the vendor application form (#1772)
* Fixed: Application Form always show (#1769)
* Fixed: Blank order status and customer values on the order editor (backend) (#1773)
* Added: Commit built JS and CSS files and remove images from build process (#1748)
* Added: Convert widget to Gutenberg blocks (#1735)
* Added: Marks plugin HPOS Incompatible (#1743)
* Added: Pagination for Orders table in Pro Dashboard (#1749)
* Added: Re-sync tool for ratings (#1753)
* Added: SEO Compatibility (#1758)
* Added: Shipment Tracking fields within the Admin's dashboard (#1752)
* Fixed: Gross report is showing marketplace’s entire revenue instead of just the vendor’s revenue (#1744)
* Fixed: PHP 8.1 warning (#1741)
* Fixed: Partial Refunded Orders Recalculation not occurring (#1747)
* Fixed: Incorrect naming on opening hours hook (#1740)
* Removed: Circle CI (#1731)
* Updated: Github templates (#1730)
* Updated: PHPCS rules for WC Vendors Pro (#1728)
* Updated: Upgrade dev dependencies to be compatible with node 18 (#1746)
* Fixed: Taxes display incorrect on the order details (#1725)
* Fixed: Author drop down title overridden on post's page.
* Fixed: Before Coupon Action not deducting from vendors' commission (#1721)
* Fixed: Elementor global styles not working with ratings page (#1720)
* Fixed: Marketplace Coupons not working (#1700)
* Fixed: Bulk editing products from WordPress dashboard changes the assigned vendors #1703
* Fixed: All coupon authors being assigned to admin
* Fixed: Global commission bug (#1714)
* Fixed: Vendors dropdown conflict with marketplace (#1712)
* Added: New actions to store headers for hooking into various sections.
* Added: Coupons author checking tool
* Updated: Sentence case for tools screen.