WP Smartpay Pro

WP Smartpay Pro 2.7.0 Nulled

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Sell Digital Products & Accept Payment with WordPress
Short Description
FREE Download Premium and Nulled WP Smartpay Pro 2.7.0 Nulled version from NullPro Community. It is zip Extention type and 1.6 MB File size. From WP Smartpay Pro have 1 Description Attachments, 1 discussion, 207 Views.


Sell Digital Products & Accept Payment with WordPress​

WPSmartPay is the perfect plugin for selling digital products, accepting one-time and recurring payments on your WordPress site without setting up a shopping cart.

Sell your digital product effortlessly​

Offer your users a robust and functional checkout experience—no need to use any complicated shopping cart software anymore. WPSmartPay includes everything that you need to sell your products and services online.

Payment Forms Made Simple with Drag & Drop Approach​

Gutenberg-powered ready-to-use payment form builder that can be deployed right away. Enjoy a simple and intuitive drag & drop interface, one-time and recurring payments, and collect payments using Stripe, PayPal, Paddle, and bKash.

Payment forms that you can create with WPSmartPay​

Simply set up your products and deploy the payment forms. Unleashes unlimited opportunities for your WordPress websites’ payment processing.

Download & Customer Management​

Manage your downloadable resources after successful product sales and define who can actually download them or not. Also, manage the customer payments, their info, update any information and delete them when needed.

Download & Customer Management​

WPSmartPay has a built-in reporting platform for quickly viewing stats, making custom reports, and much more. Easily access the day-wise payment history with the transaction amount in a comprehensive chart view and download the chart when you need it.

Customer Dashboard​

Customer dashboard gives you a real-time overview of your payments, products, and accesses that you have purchased. Also, enjoy complete flexibility over your profile-related information like changing passwords, email, and many more related things.

Nulled Method:
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1.6 MB
First release
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