Cost Calculator Builder PRO By StylemixThemes

Cost Calculator Builder PRO By StylemixThemes 3.1.74 Nulled

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thanks to dear member @anne updated Cost Calculator Builder PRO By StylemixThemes with a new update entry:


- New: Added Confirmation Page to show to customers after calculations and ordering.
- Update: Made Value field for Radio, Image Radio, Dropdown, Image Dropdown optional.
- Update: Made it possible to select formulas to be displayed on email after calculations and ordering.
- Fixed: Datepicker does not work in the preview and appearance tab in the calculator builder.
- Fixed: The browser hangs when switching to Appearance/Condition in the calculator builder after enabling the Payment in the...

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thanks to dear member @richard updated Cost Calculator Builder PRO By StylemixThemes with a new update entry:


- Update: It is possible to make dates unavailable for selection in the Date Picker.
- Update: The date picker element now has the option to define 1 day price.
- Update: WooCommerce Stock can be used in the calculator.
- Update: Users can choose to include Zero Values in Orders, PDF Entries and Emails in calculator settings.
- Fixed: Required Field marker should be hidden if there is no Submit action on PDF and Send Quote since they do not create an order.
- Fixed: Parts of the page are...

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thanks to dear member @Zechariah updated Cost Calculator Builder PRO By StylemixThemes with a new update entry:


- Fixed: In Image Checkbox, Image Dropdown and Image Radio an image can not be inserted via URL.
- Fixed: Removed action in Conditions "Hide (leave in Total)" for Formula element.
- Fixed: When using a Separate page, the style was cached from another calculator and the color changed.
- Fixed: The "Add to cart" button when using WooCommerce was not disabled if the required element is not selected.

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thanks to dear member @chavez updated Cost Calculator Builder PRO By StylemixThemes with a new update entry:


- Update: Added Is selected(label(s)) condition for the calculator.
- Update: Returned functionality of "Is selected(option)" condition.
- Fixed: Validation considers a domain invalid if it has more than 4 characters after the dot in the email.
- Fixed: The name of the Submit order button in Contact Form 7 does not change if you change it through the global settings of the calculator.
- In the Multi range element, no alert is generated if the Default value is less than the min value.

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thanks to dear member @theresa updated Cost Calculator Builder PRO By StylemixThemes with a new update entry:


- Fixed: Calculations are carried out with the "Use formula for each repeatable collection" toggle in Repeater turned off.
- Fixed: When deleting a new filled block after Add new in Repeater, the filled Text field in all blocks is deleted.
- Fixed: In the email template in the Customer Info block some words are not translated via WPML and Loco.
- Fixed: Information about the order is not transferred to the mail for Contact information.
- Fixed: If the Formula element is not used, the...

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thanks to dear member @Zechariah updated Cost Calculator Builder PRO By StylemixThemes with a new update entry:


- Update: Added a setting to choose a range through unselectable days and calculate them in the Date picker element.
- Update: Added a setting to add price for file uploads and sum prices for each file in the File upload element.
- Update: Added a setting to hide price in Dropdown, Image dropdown, Image radio and Image checkbox elements of the calculator.
- Update: Added tip on the "Add another" button at the maximum limit of group usage in the Repeater element.
- Fixed: With the...

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