Extra  - News / Magazine WordpRess Template

Extra - News / Magazine WordpRess Template 4.25.1

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asa Master Sergeant
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Sep 11, 2021
asa submitted a new resource:

Extra - News / Magazine WordpRess Template - Extra is the newest and most powerful theme from Elegantthemes, powered by Divi Builder.

Extra is the newest and most powerful theme from Elegantthemes, powered by Divi Builder. A template with a light design, perfect for online stores based on WooCommerce news and magazine sites. The template has a responsive design that looks great on mobile devices and tablets.

In Extra template, everything is customizable and created using Drag & Drop DIVI BUILDER. Every part of your site is a building block that can be customized and positioned anywhere on the page. This...

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asa updated Extra - News / Magazine WordpRess Template with a new update entry:


version 4.14.7 ( updated 01-20-2022 )
- Fixed an issue where the Global Presets history didn't update with every action causing changes to not save.
- Fixed lazy loading images to occur only on below the fold content when Divi Builder is used.
- Recover some Block Editor control buttons on Template Editor mode.
- Fixed broken layout on Divi Woo Products module.
- Fixed incorrectly set Page Type in Theme Builder when using the Woo Notice module.
- Fixed issue where flip section divider is not...

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anne51 updated Extra - News / Magazine WordpRess Template with a new update entry:


version 4.14.9 ( updated 03-10-2022 )
- Fixed a compatibility issue with WP Offload Media where one of the plugin's methods was renamed causing a fatal error in our products.
- Exposed hasValue helper for third-party extensions.
- Fixed search module input placeholder hidden with field text alignment set to right.
- Fixed a bug which were causing Background Settings on Responsive mode to not display properly on some cases.
- PHP 7.4 or higher is now recommended for performance and security...

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thanks to dear member @theresa updated Extra - News / Magazine WordpRess Template with a new update entry:


version 4.15.1 ( updated 03-18-2022 )
- Fixed a PHP error in Extra Theme which was caused by Background Settings helper class.
- Updated Image Position option to show for all image repeat options in Background Settings.
- Fixed a bug that was causing Button Background Settings to not render properly on front end.
* includes/builder/class-et-builder-element.php
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/helpers.php
* includes/builder/module/helpers/Background.php

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thanks to dear member @theresa updated Extra - News / Magazine WordpRess Template with a new update entry:

version 4.16.1 ( updated 04-04-2022 )

- Fixed a problem with frontend rendering of CSS for columns in specialty sections that used background gradients.
- Replaced jQuery hashchange library with Javascript hashchange event.
- Fixed search module background not being set on the entire module.
- Enhanced our options migration system to include third-party Divi Builder modules in its option updates.
- Fixed Global Colors usage in Presets.
- Fixed page settings bar collapsing unintentionally when clicking anywhere in the page.

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thanks to dear member @hargrave updated Extra - News / Magazine WordpRess Template with a new update entry:


Download Elegant Themes Extra v4.17.1 WordPress Theme Nulled Free
version 4.17.1 ( updated 04-14-2022 )

- Fixed conflict with Events Manager plugin.
- Fixed a bug in the background gradients migration script that prevented inherited settings from fully migrating to the new Gradient Builder format.
- Fixed a bug in Counter Module that caused the background image to repeat with default settings on the front end.
- Fixes an issue where the semicolon was not included after the important...

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thanks to dear member @asa updated Extra - News / Magazine WordpRess Template with a new update entry:


- Fixed Widget Area Creator panel not rendering in Widget Block Editor.
- Fixed issue allowing users to switch to default editor when creating a new post.
- Fixed unable to switch to Default Editor when creating new post.
- Fixed white space issue on top and bottom of embedded media.
- Fixed a JavaScript error that occurred in some cases when switching the Block Editor from Visual to Code or vice-versa.
- Fixed compatibility issue for WordPress 6.2 that affected the Edit Post/Page page.

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thanks to dear member @hargrave updated Extra - News / Magazine WordpRess Template with a new update entry:


- Adjusted a fix in 4.20.1 that changed section class enumeration. For customers using performance plugins that strip away version parameters from CSS files, this could cause styles to appear jumbled when they did not clear their browser cache.
* includes/builder/feature/dynamic-assets/class-dynamic-assets.php
* includes/builder/feature/dynamic-assets/dynamic-assets.php
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/bundle.js

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thanks to dear member @chavez updated Extra - News / Magazine WordpRess Template with a new update entry:


- Fixed a bug where export did not work correctly in the Backend Builder when the Post Content was used in the Theme Builder layout.
- Fixed a bug that caused the Contact Form module field option "Allowed Symbols" to not work correctly in Chrome.
- Fixed broken color picker in builder after upgrading to WordPress 6.3.
- Fixed JavaScriot Uncaught ReferenceError: pagenow is not defined in Portability.
- Removed unwanted Export To Divi Cloud button from the Theme Options export modal.
- Fix...

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thanks to dear member @theresa updated Extra - News / Magazine WordpRess Template with a new update entry:


- Introduced Divi AI text and image generation.
* common/admin.php
* common/constants/colors.js
* common/i18n/ai.php
* common/lib/ai.js
* common/lib/i18n.js
* common/utils/color/color.js
* common/utils/html-utils.js
* core/functions.php
* includes/builder/class-et-builder-element.php
* includes/builder/class-et-builder-module-shortcode-manager.php
* includes/builder/core.php
* includes/builder/feature/I18n.php

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thanks to dear member @richard updated Extra - News / Magazine WordpRess Template with a new update entry:


- Added Option To Disable Divi AI In The Role Editor.
- Automatically convert and compress images generated by Divi AI to prevent large PNG images.
- Fixed Generate 4 more AI images action that wasn't working in some cases.
- Added AI button to toggle module.
- Fixed a PHP fatal error that occurred due to a compatibility issue with WPML's Automatic Translation and the Woo Product Stock module.
- Added permission check on Divi AI script load.
- Added a new "Writable et-cache Directory"...

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thanks to dear member @hargrave updated Extra - News / Magazine WordpRess Template with a new update entry:


- Changed Twitter Icon and Twitter references to X.
- Fixed Heading module various style options not applying correctly.
- Improved the reference image retrieval method to allow better support for external images.
- Improved AI Menu positioning in some cases.
- Fixed issue where Background Images added on Columns do not fetch Reference Image automatically.
- Fixed AI quick action submenu position in Wireframe mode.
- Fixed new child item does not have the Divi AI button in module settings.

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thanks to dear member @richard updated Extra - News / Magazine WordpRess Template with a new update entry:


- Fixed an issue where the "Custom CSS" option was incorrectly appended with "CSS" during a search in the settings modal.
- Fixed an issue where the class was not correctly replacing selectors when pseudo elements are involved.
- Fixed a compatibility issue that occurred with WooCommerce Payments and object caching where the page content would not load correctly in DIvi Builder.
- Added ability to convert a library item element type into another.
- Fixed an issue where the AI App cannot be...

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thanks to dear member @theresa updated Extra - News / Magazine WordpRess Template with a new update entry:


- Security Update: Fixed a bug that caused some modified administrator privileges to be reset on multisite. If a website had modified the administrator user role and removed the unfiltered_html privilege, that privilege was being mistakenly added back.
* core/components/SupportCenter.php
* includes/builder/module/Blog.php

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