GPT AI Power: Complete AI Pack Pro

GPT AI Power: Complete AI Pack Pro 1.8.65

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Author richard
Creation date
- Fixed featured image issue.
- Added DALL-E 3 and DALL-E 3 HD options for Content Writer and AutoGPT. Give them a try for outstanding quality!
- Removed the meta box from the post page. Please use the Content Writer module instead.
Added a couple of security improvements for chat logs.
- Improved performance further.
- CSS files are now loaded conditionally.
- Security improvements in AutoGPT.
- Better error handling for Content Writer.
- Fixed an issue in AI Forms.
- Defualt values for Chat Bot.
- Added "banned words" option, allowing you to specify words that should not be used in the chat.

Documentation [here](
Fixed an issue related to Copy Button in AI Forms.
- Corrected an issue in AI forms and PromptBase where spaces were being removed from responses in separate chunks.

Before: "..With over10 years of experience in this field.."

After: "...With over 10 years of experience in this field.."
- Updated the product title cleaning process to remove additional special characters like hashtags, dashes, and periods from the beginning and end of titles.
- Optimized French, Spanish, Italian, Turkish, German, Hebrew, Dutch, Polish, Russian, Hindi, Indonesian and Portuguese built-in prompts for WooCommerce product writer.
- You can now update your focus keyword in the WooCommerce Product Writer. To enable this feature, go to Settings - WooCommerce tab.

Documentation is [here](

- Fixed an issue in AutoGPT where the title was being generated from keywords even when the "Generate Title from Keywords" option was disabled. This occurred when Custom Prompt was enabled.
- Added ready-to-use templates for the WooCommerce Product Writer.
- Now supporting the generation of Product Titles, Tags, and Meta Descriptions, incorporating product attributes as well as current short and full product descriptions.
- Fixed an issue where titles were still being generated from keywords in AutoGPT, even though this feature was disabled.